One Thousand White Women Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Thousand White Women Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through NOTEBOOK IV THE DEVIL WHISKEY 23 May, 26 May and 28 May 1875.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What amusing incident occurs while the women are being chosen by their Indian husbands-to-be?
(a) Daisy's dog bites the Indian who treated him roughly.
(b) The horses being traded for the women escape.
(c) Some of the women run away.
(d) Helen runs after a new bird and trips into a pool of water.

2. What does May tell Harry in a letter?
(a) She knows he sold her out to her father for money and a job.
(b) She is glad to be rid of him because she knows he cheated on her.
(c) She knows he is probably dead.
(d) She will never know if he cooperated with her father or loves her.

3. How do the women feel about staying with Phemie?
(a) Many refuse to room with Phemie because she is a Negro.
(b) Many refuse to room with Phemie because the Negro families are cruel to the white women.
(c) They like to room with Phemie because she gets the best treatment.
(d) They don't have any particular feeling about it.

4. Why does Martha decide to join the Brides for Indians program?
(a) To go to the West.
(b) To make money.
(c) To marry an Indian.
(d) She is afraid to be punished for helping May.

5. What does May teach Chief Little Wolf how to do on their "honeymoon"?
(a) Jog and swim.
(b) Laugh and dive.
(c) Swim and kiss.
(d) Swim and dive.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Helen Flight interested in birds?

2. What does May observe about Indian social structure?

3. How does Lieutenant James' wife, Abigail, treat May when she stays with the family?

4. What is Captain Bourke's comment about May Dodd's suggestion that the woman might be able to bring an appreciation for white civilization to the savages?

5. How does May describe Reverend Hare?

(see the answer key)

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