One Thousand White Women Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Thousand White Women Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through NOTEBOOK IV THE DEVIL WHISKEY 23 May, 26 May and 28 May 1875.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Helen pleased the last part of the trip as they approach Cheyenne territory?
(a) She can shoot birds for a sumptuous dinner.
(b) She can shoot birds and collect their feathers.
(c) She can shoot the birds that she draws.
(d) She can shoot birds she uses to make special medicines.

2. How does Lieutenant James' wife, Abigail, treat May when she stays with the family?
(a) She is kind to May.
(b) She is cruel to May.
(c) She is solicitous to May.
(d) She is aloof toward May.

3. During the dinner conversation, Lydia Bradley tries to turn the conversation to what subject?
(a) Her new dress and the latest New York fashion.
(b) Her new hat and the latest New York fashion.
(c) The need for more gardens at the fort.
(d) The ladies' sewing circle.

4. How does May feel about the countryside they are traveling through to meet the Indians?
(a) She hates the desert and living so close to nature.
(b) She enjoys the new growth and beauty of the land near the river bottom.
(c) She likes the beautiful colored leaves of the fall.
(d) She likes the beautiful flowers of the spring.

5. Who is Lydia Bradley?
(a) A foolish, silly woman.
(b) A cold and cruel woman.
(c) A rather boring, uninteresting young woman.
(d) A charming, well-educated woman.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is Jimmy?

2. What has Helen become during her time with the tribe?

3. The women are depressed, but Phemie brings some cheer by doing what?

4. What do May and Captain Bourke do in his tent, according to the entry of April 22nd?

5. Why is Helen Flight interested in birds?

(see the answer key)

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