One Thousand White Women Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Thousand White Women Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 18 May and 19 May, 21 May and 22 May 1875.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Captain Bourke disturbed to learn about what the women don't know?
(a) They had no way of ending their agreement.
(b) That they could be abandoned if they were not selected.
(c) They were not given information about the life they would face.
(d) That they would not be able to return to the fort for their safety.

2. What kind of Indians were the fort Indians, according to Abigail James?
(a) "They are business owners who were successful at the forts."
(b) "Drunken, degenerate savages."
(c) "Industrious and interested in learning white man's ways."
(d) "They exploited their culture by selling trinkets to white people."

3. How does Lieutenant James' wife, Abigail, treat May when she stays with the family?
(a) She is kind to May.
(b) She is aloof toward May.
(c) She is solicitous to May.
(d) She is cruel to May.

4. How do the women first meet some of the members of the Cheyenne tribe?
(a) The Indians ride through the women's camp in a parade.
(b) They come to inspect the women.
(c) They come to bring gifts to the women.
(d) They are engaged in a battle with the Sioux.

5. What two things does May stop doing because of the cruel way she is treated while staying with the family of Lieutenant James?
(a) She refuses to eat and stops taking walks.
(b) She stops writing in her journal and stops paying any attention to the soldier's requests.
(c) She refuses to eat and stops writing in her journal.
(d) She stops writing in her journal and stops taking walks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What event occurs that makes May feel that men are foolish, loutish creatures?

2. What information does the blacksmith's family that houses Phemie tell about the Cheyenne?

3. What are some of the smells involved with living with the Indians that make an impression on May?

4. What does May learn about Jimmy during the last days of the trip?

5. What does May observe about the tribe's children?

(see the answer key)

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