One Thousand White Women Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Thousand White Women Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Jim Fergus
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through 8 August, 9 August and 11 August 1875.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is "Seano?"
(a) It is the place where only the good Cheyenne go.
(b) It is the place all Cheyenne go when they die.
(c) It is the place that evil Cheyenne go.
(d) It is the netherword where Cheyenne souls go to wait to enter heaven.

2. Two days after May meets Captain Bourke, where does he invite her to do?
(a) Look around the fort.
(b) Take a look at the horses.
(c) Have an after dinner drink.
(d) Take a stroll.

3. What is Captain Bourke's comment about May Dodd's suggestion that the woman might be able to bring an appreciation for white civilization to the savages?
(a) The mission of the women is doomed to failure.
(b) It is impossible for Indians to understand the white man's culture.
(c) The women should go home.
(d) The woman have a good chance of civilizing the Indians.

4. As the women prepare to leave with the Indians, who joins them?
(a) Captain Bourke.
(b) The soldiers who will take them back to the fort.
(c) Traders.
(d) The Episcopalian Reverend Hare.

5. How does May describe herself during a conversation at the dinner table about religion?
(a) A Protestant.
(b) A bit of an agnostic.
(c) A Catholic.
(d) An Anglican.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does May teach Chief Little Wolf how to do on their "honeymoon"?

2. What does Captain Bourke say to May the evening before leaving the women with the Cheyenne?

3. What does May tell Harry in a letter?

4. What does May believe after her honeymoon with Chief Little Wolf?

5. What happens to the women who try to escape from the camp?

(see the answer key)

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