One Man's Meat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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One Man's Meat Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Clear Days" what Disney film did White discuss?
(a) Bambi.
(b) Fantasia.
(c) Cinderella.
(d) Sleeping Beauty.

2. Where was the junk shop that E. B. White went to get rid of a piece of furniture in "Removal"?
(a) 3rd Avenue.
(b) 5th Avenue.
(c) 2nd Avenue.
(d) 14th Street.

3. How much money had White calculated it cost him to maintain one turkey on his farm in "Security"?
(a) $424.23.
(b) $203.45.
(c) $402.85.
(d) $643.23.

4. White wrote that the threat of what was "always in the pit of your stomach" in "Salt Water Farm"?
(a) Fog.
(b) Death.
(c) Rain.
(d) Snow.

5. What day did White go to the campground for the pièce de résistance in "Camp Meeting"?
(a) Saturday.
(b) Thursday.
(c) Sunday.
(d) Friday.

6. In "Walden," White wrote, "We may all be ______ yet, whether we like it or not."
(a) Philosophers.
(b) Transcendental.
(c) Tremendous.
(d) Terrified.

7. In what year was E. B. White's Forward to One Man's Meat written?
(a) 1944.
(b) 1946.
(c) 1945.
(d) 1942.

8. What did White write his friend had around his land in "Poetry"?
(a) A white picket fence.
(b) Men with guns.
(c) An electric fence.
(d) Rocks.

9. What did White write grew beyond in the pasture "amid juniper and granite and lambkill" in "Salt Water Farm"?
(a) Juniper berries.
(b) Potatoes.
(c) Asparagus.
(d) Wild strawberries.

10. In what grade was White's son in "Education"?
(a) First.
(b) Fourth.
(c) Second.
(d) Third.

11. What is the last of the animals White listed having in "Report"?
(a) A ferret.
(b) A captive mouse.
(c) A beaver.
(d) A hawk.

12. What book about a bee did White cite in "Children's Books"?
(a) James the Bee.
(b) Mr. Bee.
(c) Bumble Bumble Buzz.
(d) Bumblebuzz.

13. What game sport did White describe in "Progress and Change"?
(a) Horseshoes.
(b) Badminton.
(c) Tennis.
(d) Croquet.

14. How many grade sheep did White report having in "Report"?
(a) 9.
(b) 27.
(c) 13.
(d) 15.

15. White wrote in "Children's Book's" that he'd shared his armchair with what book for the past 3 weeks?
(a) Bumblebuzz.
(b) Boyhood Adventures of Our Presidents.
(c) The Cat from Chicago.
(d) Huckleberry Finn.

Short Answer Questions

1. The campground White described in "Camp Meeting" was in a clump of woods near what?

2. When was "Salt Water Farm" written?

3. When was "Hot Weather" written?

4. How many Toulouse geese did White have in "Report"?

5. White wrote of driving past a woman in her yard using what in "Walden"?

(see the answer keys)

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