One Man's Meat Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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One Man's Meat Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Once More to the Lake, Fall, Memorandum, Coon Hunt and Intimations.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How much did membership cost White to join the society in "Compost"?
(a) 5 dollars.
(b) 1 dollar.
(c) 3 dollars.
(d) 6 dollars.

2. White wrote that he did not think there is any considerable good in what, in "Sanitation"?
(a) Punctuality.
(b) Clarity of thought.
(c) Fishing in the rain.
(d) Hard work.

3. What event had White visited in "The World of Tomorrow"?
(a) An auto race.
(b) A boxing match.
(c) A movie premier.
(d) The World's Fair.

4. "Intimations" was written three days after what historical event?
(a) Kennedy's assassination.
(b) The bombing of Hiroshima.
(c) The bombing of Pearl Harbor.
(d) Chineese New Year.

5. What day of the week did White begin "A Week in April"?
(a) Wednesday.
(b) Sunday.
(c) Tuesday.
(d) Saturday.

Short Answer Questions

1. When was "Once More to the Lake" written?

2. When was "A Shepherd's Life" written?

3. What infirmity did the Boston terrier White had once owned have in "A Boston Terrier"?

4. What kind of dog was Fred?

5. What did E. B. White claim there was a lot of in him, which were not joiners in "Compost"?

(see the answer key)

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