One for the Money Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One for the Money Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When Stephanie calls her chosen rescuer in Chapter 6, how does he respond the first time she calls?
(a) He hangs up on her, not taking her seriously.
(b) He tells her to dial 911 instead.
(c) He laughs at her.
(d) He tells her he will call 911 for her.

2. Where does Stephanie inadvertently leave the item she removes from Morelli's Jeep?
(a) In the azalea bushes.
(b) In the Jeep's glove box.
(c) In her purse.
(d) At her parents' house.

3. Who is the neighborhood bad boy that Stephanie reminisces about in the beginning of Chapter 1?
(a) Frank Plum.
(b) Joe Morelli.
(c) Vincent Plum.
(d) Mooch Morelli.

4. Where does Stephanie work after school when she is 16?
(a) She worked at Tasty Pastry.
(b) She worked at her father's office.
(c) She worked at Al's Garage.
(d) She worked at McDonalds.

5. What does Stephanie discover when she visits The Step In, the bar where Carmen Sanchez works?
(a) She finds Carmen and interviews her.
(b) She discovers the bar is closed down.
(c) She discovers Benito Ramirez is on his way there.
(d) She discovers Morelli is having dinner there.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Vinnie's response when Stephanie, in desperate need of money, approaches him for an advance?

2. How does Stephanie get Clarence Sampson to go with her to the Trenton Police Department?

3. From where does Grandma Mazur say she has learned how to operate a revolver?

4. What does Stephanie do when she spots Joe Morelli for the first time after three years of not hearing from him?

5. Why does Stephanie visit Joe Morelli's mother, Mrs. Morelli, in Chapter 5?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does the Plum family dinner in Chapter 4 contribute to the atmosphere of escalating danger in the book?

2. Explain Eddie Gazarra's relationship to Stephanie Plum.

3. What does Joe Morelli's rescue of Stephanie at the Stark Street Gym in Chapter 3 indicate?

4. Explain Eddie Gazarra's version of what happened the night Ziggy Kulesza was shot.

5. What does the way Stephanie stakes out Joe Morelli's apartment in Chapter 2 indicate about Stephanie?

6. What is Stephanie's financial situation as the book opens?

7. Describe Stephanie Plum.

8. When Ranger joins Stephanie in Chapter 5 to search Morelli's apartment, how does he fit or not fit the image Stephanie has of him as a bounty hunter?

9. How does Mrs. Morelli humiliate Stephanie in Chapter 5?

10. Why does Stephanie call Ranger for assistance instead of her father or the authorities when Morelli handcuffs her to a curtain rod?

(see the answer keys)

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