One for the Money Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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One for the Money Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 178 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Stephanie visit Joe Morelli's mother, Mrs. Morelli, in Chapter 5?
(a) Mrs. Morelli invited Stephanie to dinner.
(b) Helen Plum asked Stephanie to visit Mrs. Morelli.
(c) Mrs. Morelli is ill.
(d) Mrs. Morelli might know where Joe is.

2. Who does Stephanie's mother, Helen Plum, invite to dine with the family in Chapter 4?
(a) Joe Morelli's mother.
(b) Bernie Kuntz, a potential date for Stephanie.
(c) The local police chief.
(d) Stephanie's cousin Vinnie.

3. What happens when Stephanie interviews Benito Ramirez at the Stark Street Gym?
(a) Benito gives Stephanie lots of information about Ziggy.
(b) Benito attacks Stephanie when she rebuffs his advances.
(c) Stephanie finds Carmen Sanchez at the gym.
(d) Benito Ramirez gets knocked out by another boxer.

4. What does having Clarence Sampson asleep beside her in the front seat of Joe Morelli's Jeep prevent Stephanie from doing?
(a) Pursuing Joe Morelli, her other FTA, when she sees him.
(b) Getting to her parents' house in time for dinner.
(c) Questioning Sampson about Carmen Sanchez.
(d) Questioning Sampson about Joe Morelli.

5. Who does Stephanie call instead of the police, the fire department, or her parents to assist her in freeing herself from the way Joe Morelli leaves her after searching her apartment?
(a) Grandma Mazur.
(b) Carmen Sanchez.
(c) Mooch Morelli.
(d) Ranger.

6. What smells greet Stephanie on the stairwell of the Stark Street Gym?
(a) The smells of roses and honeysuckle.
(b) The smells of wine and whiskey.
(c) The smells of urine and sweat.
(d) The smells of fried chicken and french fries.

7. Who is the neighborhood bad boy that Stephanie reminisces about in the beginning of Chapter 1?
(a) Mooch Morelli.
(b) Vincent Plum.
(c) Joe Morelli.
(d) Frank Plum.

8. What is Mooch's relationship to Joe Morelli?
(a) He is Joe's cousin.
(b) She is Joe's sister.
(c) He is Joe's brother.
(d) He is a fellow cop.

9. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the second time Stephanie calls her chosen rescuer in Chapter 6?
(a) Stephanie convinces her rescuer she's in real trouble.
(b) Her rescuer ignores her call and lets it go to voice mail.
(c) Her rescuer releases her but not before enjoying her situation.
(d) Her rescuer comes right over to assist her.

10. Which of the following statements is NOT true about Bernie Kuntz?
(a) He's boring.
(b) Stephanie finds him fascinating and interesting.
(c) His ability to make it through dinner with her zany family impresses Stephanie.
(d) He's a nice man.

11. Where do Stephanie and Ranger meet?
(a) In a downtown cafe.
(b) At Stephanie's apartment.
(c) At the bail bonds office.
(d) At the Trenton police station.

12. Who enters her bathroom in Chapter 6 while Stephanie is enjoying a hot shower?
(a) Helen Plum.
(b) Vincent Plum.
(c) Benito Ramirez.
(d) Joe Morelli.

13. Why is Stephanie behind on her payments for her Mazda Miata?
(a) Joe Morelli promised to pay for the car and broke his word.
(b) She spends all her money on drugs.
(c) She thought her parents were paying for the car.
(d) She has been out of work for six months.

14. Where does Stephanie go to have dinner at the beginning of Chapter 4?
(a) Joe Morelli's parents' house.
(b) Her cousin Vinnie's house.
(c) Tasty Pastry.
(d) Her parents' house.

15. Where does Stephanie encounter Joe Morelli in Chapter 3?
(a) At Vincent Plum's bail bond company.
(b) At her apartment.
(c) On the stairs of the Stark Street Gym.
(d) At her parents' house.

Short Answer Questions

1. What makes it clear that Jackie and Lula don't believe Stephanie's lie about her relationship with Joe Morelli?

2. What is Benito Ramirez's trademark?

3. At the beginning of Chapter 5, how does Ranger enter Joe Morelli's apartment?

4. As Stephanie is leaving Joe Morelli's hideout after confirming he's inside the apartment, what does Joe do?

5. What is the name of the section of Trenton in which Stephanie is raised?

(see the answer keys)

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