One Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Torey Hayden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Torey Hayden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Freddie's mother come to visit Torey?
(a) Because Freddie is not making appropriate progress.
(b) Because Freddie is afraid of Sheila.
(c) Because Sheila has been hurting Freddie.
(d) Because Freddie has been coming home vomiting.

2. What surprises Torey about Whitney?
(a) She is afraid of Anton.
(b) She does not like to help with cooking class.
(c) She enjoys taking the kids on field trips.
(d) She likes to play practical jokes.

3. What does Sheila reveal in her writing?
(a) She wants to run away and find her mother.
(b) She misses her little brother Jimmie.
(c) She did not mean to hurt the little boy.
(d) She wets the bed and is often beaten by her father for it.

4. What genre of writing is found in the epilogue?
(a) Poem.
(b) Dialogue.
(c) Non-fiction.
(d) Fiction.

5. Why doesn't Sheila get to participate in this subject?
(a) Because she refuses to do any paperwork.
(b) Because it gives Torey a chance to work with the other kids.
(c) Because Sheila cannot be trusted in this subject.
(d) Because she cannot use a pencil correctly.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which of Torey's students is moving away?

2. What news does Torey learn about her class?

3. What makes Sheila change her mind about going to the new school?

4. What is the title of the writing in the epilogue?

5. What happens to Sheila when Chad presents her with the new dress?

Short Essay Questions

1. What do you believe the poem is an indicator of?

2. What does Chad give to Sheila and how does she react?

3. What does Torey think may be at the heart of Sheila's aversion to completing paperwork and why does she think this way?

4. What new revelation has Sheila come to about the story of The Little Prince?

5. Why does Torey ignore Sheila for the rest of the day?

6. What happened to Sheila that caused her to bleed?

7. Why does the superintendent call a meeting and what is the outcome of that meeting?

8. What is the epilogue composed of?

9. What does Torey use discussion time to do with the class in chapter twelve?

10. Why does Sheila decide she will start completing paperwork?

(see the answer keys)

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