One Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Torey Hayden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Child Test | Final Test - Medium

Torey Hayden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sheila tell Torey when she asks for an explanation about her behavior?
(a) She tells her that she hates her.
(b) She tells her that she never said she could trust her.
(c) She says that Torey lied to her.
(d) She says that she does not want to be in that dumb class.

2. Why doesn't Sheila get to participate in this subject?
(a) Because it gives Torey a chance to work with the other kids.
(b) Because Sheila cannot be trusted in this subject.
(c) Because she refuses to do any paperwork.
(d) Because she cannot use a pencil correctly.

3. What does Sheila's father acknowledge?
(a) He is sorry about what happened to Sheila.
(b) He has a drinking problem.
(c) He needs help caring for Sheila.
(d) That Torey is the best thing that ever happened to Sheila.

4. What two things does Torey suspect are linked for Sheila?
(a) She thinks Sheila's desire for revenge and refusal are linked.
(b) She thinks Sheila's fear of failure and abandonment are linked.
(c) She thinks Sheila's need for love and abandonment fear are linked.
(d) She thinks Sheila's speech and fear of failure are linked.

5. Why does Sheila hang back when the other students head out for recess?
(a) She wants to stay home during the time that Torey is going to be gone.
(b) She wants to go with Torey.
(c) She wants to know why Torey didn't tell her privately.
(d) She wants to know when Torey will be back.

Short Answer Questions

1. What genre of writing is found in the epilogue?

2. What is Torey worrying about with only three weeks of school left?

3. What does Sheila find in the trash and complete as a surprise for Torey?

4. What do the other students tell Torey about when she comes in?

5. What has Torey given up in regards to Sheila?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Sheila decide she will start completing paperwork?

2. What does Sheila's father do at the end of this chapter which gives Torey hope that he is trying to do the right thing?

3. What present does Anton give to Torey for her birthday?

4. How does Sheila seem when she returns to school and what does this make Torey worry about?

5. What does Torey use discussion time to do with the class in chapter twelve?

6. Why does Torey ignore Sheila for the rest of the day?

7. What surprises Torey about Whitney and why does this surprise her?

8. Why does the superintendent call a meeting and what is the outcome of that meeting?

9. What realization do both Torey and Sheila come to about how they have changed?

10. What is the epilogue composed of?

(see the answer keys)

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