One Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Torey Hayden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Child Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Torey Hayden
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 136 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Sheila come to realize about the relationship between Sheila and her father?
(a) That underneath it all he does love her.
(b) They will never be able to remove Sheila from his care.
(c) That she provides him with an income.
(d) That they depend on each other for survival.

2. What option does Ed give Torey so that she will not go over the state maximum number of students?
(a) Changing the name of her class.
(b) Having another aide assigned.
(c) Transferring a student out.
(d) Moving her room to a larger room with more space.

3. How does Torey begin each day?
(a) Math.
(b) Story.
(c) Discussion.
(d) Reading.

4. How does Sheila say that she learned such big words for a six year old?
(a) She says that her father taught her.
(b) She says she doesn't know how she learned them.
(c) She says that her other teacher let her read magazines.
(d) She says she always knew those words.

5. Who does Shelia live with?
(a) Her father.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Her foster family.
(d) Her uncle.

6. What does Sheila do when she is having a bad day?
(a) She sits in the quiet chair.
(b) She plays with blocks.
(c) She hurts the other children.
(d) She clings to Torey.

7. With which of the following statements would Torey agree?
(a) Time put in equals rewards.
(b) Her work is exhausting.
(c) Her students should not be in a public school setting.
(d) Her work has many rewards.

8. Which of the following is the best description of Torey's room right after the incident with the goldfish?
(a) Anarchy.
(b) Chaos.
(c) Unruliness.
(d) Ordered.

9. What is Torey astonished to realize that Sheila was never taught?
(a) Appropriate eating skills.
(b) Basic hygeine.
(c) Proper grammar.
(d) Basic manners.

10. How do the other children in the classroom react to Shelia's abuse of the goldfish?
(a) They cry and run in circles.
(b) They laugh and point at Shelia.
(c) They cower in fear and astonishment.
(d) They run out of the classroom.

11. What specific thing about Shelia bothers Torey and causes her to try and figure out where it comes from?
(a) Refusal to talk to the other students.
(b) Speech pattern.
(c) Ability to read anything.
(d) High intellect.

12. Where does Torey get some clothes for Sheila?
(a) From a girlfriend who has a young child.
(b) A local charity.
(c) Church box in the school office.
(d) From Whitney's family.

13. What happens when Torey tries to get Shelia to do the math papers?
(a) She does nothing.
(b) She cries.
(c) She tears up the paper.
(d) She wads up the paper and throws it.

14. What does Sheila do when Torey finishes the math work with her and tells her to put the blocks away?
(a) She puts the blocks away and reads with the other kids.
(b) She works with the blocks on her own.
(c) She walks back to the quiet chair and sits.
(d) She goes to the corner and watches all of the other students.

15. What is Torey's favorite television show?
(a) Brady Bunch.
(b) Star Trek.
(c) Little House on the Praire.
(d) Welcome Back Kotter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Shelia do while she is in the quiet chair?

2. Which of the following is not one of the things Shelia's father said about her?

3. What distracts Shelia and allows Torey to attempt to snatch away the pencil?

4. Which of the following is the best synonym for motivation as it is used in the prologue?

5. Who will Sheila be riding the bus with?

(see the answer keys)

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