One Came Home Test | Final Test - Easy

Amy Timberlake
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

One Came Home Test | Final Test - Easy

Amy Timberlake
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 130 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which character has a hat shot off his or her head?
(a) Billy.
(b) Billy.
(c) Mr. Garrow.
(d) Roy.

2. Where does Georgie decide to go after leaving Dog Hollow?
(a) San Francisco.
(b) The Garrows.
(c) Placid.
(d) Madison.

3. Who is Mrs. Tartt?
(a) Mrs. Garrow's sister.
(b) The owner of an inn.
(c) A shop owner.
(d) Benjamin Olmstead's aunt.

4. What does Georgie use to bribe Long Ears?
(a) Sugar cubes.
(b) Bread.
(c) Licorice.
(d) Slices of apple.

5. What does Georgie hope is waiting for her when she returns home?
(a) Agatha.
(b) A job.
(c) A letter.
(d) A telegram.

6. What confession does Billy make to Georgie in Chapter 18?
(a) He has never loved anyone.
(b) He wants revenge for losing Agatha.
(c) He loves her.
(d) He meant for Georgie to see the kiss.

7. Where does Georgie decide to go to get a doctor?
(a) Placid.
(b) Millertown.
(c) Madison.
(d) Dog Hollow.

8. Whose farm could be found on the side of Old Line road?
(a) The Garrow's.
(b) The Bolte's.
(c) The Olmstead's.
(d) The McCabe's.

9. What animals were living inside the cave?
(a) Bears.
(b) Bats.
(c) Cougars.
(d) Coyotes.

10. Who brings Georgie food in Chapter 20?
(a) Grandfather Bolte.
(b) Ma.
(c) Benjamin.
(d) Billy.

11. What does the machine inside the cave make?
(a) Tools.
(b) Pamphlets.
(c) Counterfeit money.
(d) Clothing.

12. Why does Billy give Georgie twenty cents?
(a) To buy stick candy.
(b) To pay for a bath.
(c) To buy cheese and bread.
(d) To pay for a drink.

13. What does Georgie discover about the hair ribbon in Chapter 20?
(a) Is is slightly different from the fabric of Agatha's ball gown.
(b) It has blood stains.
(c) It is missing from her saddlebags.
(d) It is made from the same fabric as Agatha's ball gown.

14. Who is driving the wagon that rescues Billy and Georgie?
(a) Mrs. Garrow.
(b) Sheriff McCabe.
(c) Benjamin Olmstead.
(d) Grandfather Bolte.

15. Which character do Billy and Georgie deduce to be the owner of the machine inside the cave?
(a) Mr. Olmstead.
(b) Pin Eyes.
(c) The Pigeoner.
(d) Mr. Garrow.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who pays Billy to chaperone Georgie?

2. How does Billy communicate with his family in Placid while traveling with Billy?

3. According to Mrs. Garrow, what happened to Darlene?

4. Who bought Georgie new clothes?

5. What does Georgie give the youngest Garrow girl?

(see the answer keys)

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