Once Upon a Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Once Upon a Time Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What type of people are said to live in the city in the tale the narrator tells herself?
(a) People of another color.
(b) Artistic people.
(c) People of a higher caste.
(d) Religious people.

2. What woke the narrator in the night at the start of the story?
(a) A creaking sound in her house.
(b) The phone ringing.
(c) A rainstorm.
(d) Her husband.

3. After the incident with a neighbor's housemaid, what did the man and woman's housemaid beg them to do?
(a) Give her a raise.
(b) Move to the country.
(c) Get a gun.
(d) Install burglar bars and an alarm system.

4. What adjective is used to describe the gardener in the narrator's tale?
(a) Attentive.
(b) Itinerant.
(c) Elegant.
(d) Patient.

5. Where were the riots said to be in the tale the narrator tells herself?
(a) In the city.
(b) In a far away land.
(c) In her mind.
(d) In another country.

6. Who lives in the home the narrator describes at the start of her story?
(a) A man, and a woman and their son.
(b) A father and his son.
(c) An old woman and her adult son.
(d) A single mother and her child.

7. Why did the neighborhood alarms often go unanswered after many had them installed?
(a) Pets were setting them off.
(b) Kids would set them off for fun.
(c) They were often on vacation.
(d) They could not tell whose house it was coming from.

8. Where does the story the narrator tells herself take place?
(a) A house in the country.
(b) An apartment in the city.
(c) A house in the suburbs.
(d) A condo by the ocean.

9. What game did the little boy like to play after they installed a speaker at the gates of their home?
(a) Cops and robbers.
(b) Tag.
(c) Telephone.
(d) Hide and seek.

10. What "most profound" place does the narrator say men may be deep under her home?
(a) Brooks.
(b) Homes.
(c) Boats.
(d) Tombs.

11. What pets does the family in the narrator's story have at home?
(a) A cat and a dog.
(b) A bird and a hamster.
(c) A monkey and a lemur.
(d) Goldfish and a parakeet.

12. What are the man and woman warned against doing as they start their lives together?
(a) Getting a pool.
(b) Living in the suburbs.
(c) Having a child.
(d) Taken anyone in off the street.

13. What precautions does the narrator say she does not take in her home, despite having the same fears of those that do?
(a) She has no burglar bars or gun under her pillow.
(b) She does not have locks on her doors.
(c) She does not have guard dogs or security alarms.
(d) She does not have a phone nearby or a bat under her bed.

14. Where did the man and woman get the plaque that said "YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED" (25) when they first began their life together?
(a) The Neighborhood Watch.
(b) A local gift-shop.
(c) The woman's father.
(d) The man's mother.

15. What does the narrator do when she is unable to go back to sleep?
(a) She reads a book.
(b) She tells herself a story.
(c) She eats a sandwich.
(d) She writes a letter.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the man's mother called in the narrator's tale?

2. Who is said to have offered a warning to the man and woman when they started their life together?

3. What did the old widower who was murdered have to protect him?

4. Who is the author of "Once Upon a Time"?

5. Why was the swimming pool in the tale fenced in?

(see the answer keys)

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