Once Upon a Time Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Once Upon a Time Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 64 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Pages 27 - 30 .

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How are the people in the narrator's story said to be living at the start of her tale?
(a) Like peas in a pod.
(b) In eternal despair.
(c) Carefree and fancy free.
(d) Happily ever after.

2. According to the narrator's tale, under what conditions were people who lived in the city allowed in the suburbs?
(a) As teachers and secretaries.
(b) As doctors and lawyers.
(c) As nannies and drivers.
(d) As housemaids and gardeners.

3. What does the wife worry the people from the city might come to their home and do some day?
(a) Go for a swim in their beautiful pool.
(b) Kidnap their maid and gardener.
(c) Throw bombs and destroy all they have.
(d) Tear off the plaque and stream in.

4. What information was affixed to some of the security walls of people's houses in the suburbs?
(a) Who to call in case of emergency.
(b) The company who installed them.
(c) The local police number.
(d) The local homeless shelter.

5. Why did the man and the woman not hire any of the people from the city who came seeking jobs?
(a) They had been warned by his mother not to take anyone in off the street.
(b) They did not need any extra help.
(c) They could not afford to pay anyone else.
(d) They had no resumes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who runs out of the house second and finds the boy at the end of the story?

2. What begins to happen once the riots in the city are suppressed?

3. What are some of the things intruders would take from suburban homes?

4. What does the narrator stare at in her bed as she listens to the sounds in her house?

5. The sounds of the alarms in the suburban neighborhood were likened to which creatures?

(see the answer key)

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