On the Beach Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On the Beach Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What objects does Dwight hold onto to maintain his ties to his family?
(a) a pogo stick and a fishing rod
(b) a bracelet and a fishing rod
(c) photographs and letters
(d) a music box and a boomerang

2. In spite of the news, what are Peter and Mary doing?
(a) taking the baby to the beach
(b) discussing narcissus for the garden for next year
(c) riding their bicycles
(d) planning a vacation

3. Why does John want the Grand Prix race moved up to August 10th?
(a) August 17th is John's birthday
(b) August 17th is the shortest day of the year
(c) August 17th is too cold
(d) August 17th may be too late

4. What good news does Moira tell Dwight?
(a) the fishing season has been opened early
(b) the Grand Prix is earlier this year
(c) the Scorpion has been refitted
(d) she is carrying his child

5. How long do they estimate Swain will live?
(a) about a month
(b) about two weeks
(c) about three days
(d) about three hours

Short Answer Questions

1. By radio message, what does Dwight Towers learn he has now become?

2. Where are the most southerly cases now, according to John's update?

3. What does he look for as a gift for his daughter?

4. What disturbs Dwight about one painting?

5. What do they notice about most of the houses?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does John say his uncle, Sir Froude, still appears to be healthy?

2. Describe the symbolism of Dwight's thinking about his family while on board the Scorpion.

3. How does Mary put out of her mind that Sydney and Adelaide now have the radiation sickness?

4. On the long voyage of the Scorpion, what are they able to learn about San Francisco?

5. How is Moira changing from thinking planting plants for the next year is a silly waste of time?

6. What is Mary's initial reaction to the suicide pills and syringe?

7. Explain Dwight's change of status on the return trip from the north.

8. What condition does Peter put on his continuing service in the Navy?

9. Describe the contradictory things Peter brings home for the baby.

10. How does being in the submarine compare to racing the Ferrari to John?

(see the answer keys)

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