On the Beach Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On the Beach Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why can Dwight not go trout fishing?
(a) it is too far to the mountain streams
(b) he has no fishing gear
(c) fishing but the season doesn't start until September 1st
(d) he cannot be that far away from the Scorpion

2. Under what terms does Peter agree to stay on as Dwight's liaison officer?
(a) he can commute between home and work
(b) he gets a big promotion
(c) he can bring his family to live at the Naval yard
(d) he will get his own command next

3. In spite of the news, what are Peter and Mary doing?
(a) taking the baby to the beach
(b) planning a vacation
(c) riding their bicycles
(d) discussing narcissus for the garden for next year

4. How does John Osbourne finish in the first race of the Grand Prix?
(a) second but with a damaged car
(b) last and out of the competition
(c) in first place by a mile
(d) second because of a blown tire

5. Where are the most southerly cases now, according to John's update?
(a) Patagonia, Tahiti, and Madagascar
(b) Kuala Lampur, Shanghai, and Panama city
(c) Buenos Aires, Montevideo, and Auckland
(d) Sierra Leon, Rio, and Manilla

6. What disturbs Dwight about one painting?
(a) it reminds him of his home in Mystic
(b) it is bright, cheerful, and unreal
(c) the woman in the painting looks like Sharon, his wife
(d) it looks like New York destroyed by the bombs

7. After dinner, where do Dwight and Moira go?
(a) to a hotel room
(b) the National Gallery
(c) back to the Scorpion
(d) the nearest bar

8. What is Moira's surprise for Dwight?
(a) a new sailboat
(b) a pogo stick
(c) tickets to the opera
(d) a boomerang

9. Why are they not sure about the radiation sickness in Cape Town?
(a) they have conflicting reports
(b) there are no radio stations in Cape Town
(c) there is still radio contact
(d) the Scorpion has not gone there

10. Why is the news on the radio not accurate, according to John?
(a) they have no way to get the facts
(b) they only broadcast rumors
(c) they are about three days late
(d) they have outdated equipment

11. How does Peter explain the need for her to know about the pills?
(a) he says it is easier than radiation sickness
(b) he says she needs to know what others are doing
(c) he says he might get too sick to administer them
(d) he says he might not return

12. What does Swain do without being seen?
(a) hangs himself in the engine room
(b) gets out of the USS Scorpion and head for Edmonds
(c) steals a gun from the commander's quarters
(d) sends food out the torpedo shaft in case someone is alive

13. Why are there more cars on the road now?
(a) people are no longer saving fuel
(b) people are trying to kill themselves in car accidents
(c) the government is giving away fuel
(d) a new source of fuel is found

14. Why does John want the Grand Prix race moved up to August 10th?
(a) August 17th may be too late
(b) August 17th is John's birthday
(c) August 17th is too cold
(d) August 17th is the shortest day of the year

15. What does Moira decide to do while Dwight is at sea?
(a) look for the pogo stick he could not find
(b) go racing with John Osbourne
(c) go stay with Mary and Jennifer
(d) buy him some new socks

Short Answer Questions

1. How does John keep his fear under control while on the submarine?

2. What amenity is given to Dwight?

3. What are they giving away at the Pastoral Club now?

4. Meanwhile, what is John Osbourne doing?

5. How does Mary react to the pills?

(see the answer keys)

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