On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does it prove valuable to King to work for a local newspaper?
(a) Because he wins a national sports writing contest while there.
(b) Because the job with the paper earns King a lot of money.
(c) Because the editor keeps him so busy he didn't have time to get into trouble.
(d) Because the editor teaches King how to edit his work.

2. What is the second specific item King states his book on writing will NOT be about?
(a) Vocabulary.
(b) Grammar.
(c) Diction.
(d) Voice.

3. In the chapter, C.V., King touches on the theme of the book. What is this theme?
(a) Writing as magic.
(b) Writing as a career.
(c) Writing as life support.
(d) Writing for money.

4. What is King's overall opinion on details in writing?
(a) Supply those the reader would never get on his own.
(b) Supply all major details, but let the reader fill in the minor ones.
(c) Supply key details and a couple of minor ones for color.
(d) Only supply the minimum.

5. When a writer sees an image in his/her head and writes it down, what is he accomplishing in regards to the reader?
(a) Demonstrating his prowess as an author who should be read.
(b) Enticing the reader to stay alert.
(c) Suggesting how to understand the author's thoughts.
(d) Giving the image to the reader.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where on the animal is something unusual attached?

2. When King's principal hears about King's episode with the newspaper, what does he suggest?

3. What is the name of the second chapter of this book?

4. If a reader does not see an image the same way as the writer, how has the image changed?

5. What happens with the electromagnet experiment?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did King learn to edit his work? Why was this important to the young writer?

2. What inferences can you make from King's statement that writing is magic? Explain in your own words.

3. What relationship is there between writing as a career and writing as a passion? Explain in your own words.

4. Why does King want his readers to put his book down if they are unable to accept that writing is magic?

5. When King asks the writer to accept 'the magic of writing, but to take it seriously', what is he saying?

6. After Tabitha King's intervention in her husband's addictions, King insisted on moving his desk. How was this symbolically important to him?

7. In what ways is the rabbit on the table of symbol of King's belief in magic and telepathy? Explain in your own words.

8. In what way is the chapter, What Writing Is, different from the usual book on writing?

9. How did King begin his career as a writer?

10. Why does King write? Explain in your own words based on the chapters, C.V., and What Writing Is.

(see the answer keys)

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