On War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On War Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do allies do concerning weaknesses according to Clausewitz?
(a) They try to match them.
(b) They try to ignore them.
(c) They work to cover each other weaknesses.
(d) They exploit them.

2. What was the "art of war" about according to Clausewitz?
(a) Strategic mastery.
(b) Defeating your enemy in one blow.
(c) Establishment of an army.
(d) Tactical mastery.

3. What types of soldiers does Clausewitz say tend to lose heart when they encounter combat?
(a) The inexperienced and followers.
(b) Young officers.
(c) Married soldiers and the sick.
(d) Poorly trained soldiers.

4. What is reading supposed to provide the military reader according to Clausewitz?
(a) Preparatory guidance.
(b) A blueprint for war.
(c) A good idea of what to expect on the battlefield.
(d) Time to reflect on their lives.

5. What do the kindhearted think, according to Clausewitz?
(a) War is not a necessity for nations to prosper.
(b) War is done by gentlemen for gentlemen.
(c) There is a way to disarm the enemy without too much bloodshed.
(d) The true goal of war is acquiring farmland.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was not considered a suitable subject for theory in the former "art of war" according to Clausewitz?

2. What is the populace trained to do according to Clausewitz?

3. What tends to exacerbate falsehood according to Clausewitz?

4. What does Clausewitz think of the location where the war plans are drawn?

5. Why were the rules created according to Clausewitz?

Short Essay Questions

1. According to Clausewitz, what needs to be subdued to win a war?

2. According to Clausewitz, what was initially considered the art of war by the first war theorists?

3. What does Clausewitz think of military knowledge through books?

4. What is friction according to Clausewitz?

5. What does Clausewitz say about routine?

6. What objectives will incidentally bring the enemy's collapse according to Clausewitz?

7. What does Clausewitz think of the current theory on war?

8. What human weakness does Clausewitz associate with poor information handling?

9. Why does Clausewitz believe that the wars between civilized countries are less cruel and destructive than between savages?

10. What does Clausewitz say about geniuses and rules?

(see the answer keys)

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