On War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On War Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What general rule does Clausewitz give concerning defense and attack?
(a) Generals ususally prefer attacks.
(b) A particular general will be good at one or the other.
(c) Attack is superior.
(d) General should adapt to the situation.

2. What does Clausewitz think of the way wars are usually fought?
(a) They are waged half-heartedly.
(b) They are waged by military geniuses.
(c) They are waged efficiently.
(d) They are fought to the last man.

3. What definition of defense does Clausewitz give in Book 4, Chapter 1?
(a) To build fortifications that cannot be broken.
(b) To attack first and destroy the enemy totally.
(c) To successfully not get hit even when another tried to hit you.
(d) To block the enemy's advances without loss of life.

4. What does Clausewitz say will force an enemy to withdraw from a previously conquered territory?
(a) Cutting its supply lines.
(b) The capture of a depot.
(c) Destroying its camp.
(d) Capturing its commanding officer.

5. What should follow the attack on a well maintained defensive position according to Clausewitz?
(a) Rest.
(b) Reinforcing the defensive position.
(c) Retreat.
(d) A counter attack.

6. What is the French definition of an invasion according to Clausewitz?
(a) An attack targeting the capital.
(b) An attack targeting the border lands.
(c) An attack driving deep into enemy territory.
(d) An attack targeting a specific location.

7. What does Clausewitz say defensive attitudes and position are for?
(a) To provide a base for future attacks.
(b) Self preservation.
(c) For poorly equipped countries.
(d) For weak armies.

8. What is the most prominent form of defensive tactics according to Clausewitz?
(a) Heavy fortification.
(b) Evasion.
(c) Light fortification.
(d) Entrenchment.

9. Why does Clausewitz says the attacking force loses strength as it goes deeper into enemy territory?
(a) Loss of soldiers.
(b) Separation in resources and delays in getting reinforcements.
(c) Loss of morale.
(d) Hatred from the enemy's population

10. What building does Clausewitz says is highly desirable for an army to have during the first half of the 19th century?
(a) Farm.
(b) Bank.
(c) Large hotel.
(d) Fortress.

11. What is suspension of action in war usually a sign of according to Clausewitz?
(a) Peace.
(b) Negotiation.
(c) Troop buildup.
(d) Troop movement.

12. What reason does Clausewitz give for the way the majority of the time in war is spent?
(a) To rest the troops.
(b) To set up defenses.
(c) To move the troops from one battlefield to the other.
(d) The strategy demands it.

13. What does Clausewitz compare countries who send soldiers to help allies to?
(a) Opportunists.
(b) War mongers.
(c) Good neighbors.
(d) Friends.

14. What does Clausewitz say reserves can be used for?
(a) To protect the officers from retreating troops.
(b) To push for the final decision and counter unforeseen attacks.
(c) To allow for the king to visit the troops.
(d) To allow troops rest so they can be rotated in the front line.

15. What does Clausewitz say would be the message sent by an army taking a castle, burning the fields, dispersing the livestock and then retreating?
(a) One army does not have a good military plans.
(b) The people around the castle were too weak.
(c) The cattle was host to disease.
(d) One army is punishing the other.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Clausewitz characterize harboring reserve troops when they should be used to their fullest?

2. How is the majority of time in war spent according to Clausewitz?

3. According to Clausewitz, what does the power of the attack and the defense do over time?

4. What is military life about according to Clausewitz?

5. What does Clausewitz say the best soldiers, national leaders and generals have in common?

(see the answer keys)

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