On the Good Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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On the Good Life Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 110 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What group was Cicero's classical background popular among?
(a) Children.
(b) Nuns.
(c) Philosphers.
(d) Humanists.

2. What are the series of arguments about in "On Duties"?
(a) They are against liberty.
(b) They are against tyranny.
(c) They are against religion.
(d) They are against confomrity.

3. According to Cicero, what can one NOT be without being intelligent?
(a) Honest.
(b) Just.
(c) Brave.
(d) Good.

4. According to the introduction, how did Pope Gregory I respond to Cicero's work?
(a) He burned them.
(b) He banned his work for centuries.
(c) He refused to ackowledge his writings.
(d) He gave him high praise.

5. According to Grant, what did Cicero believe every human had to make them equal?
(a) A common ancestry.
(b) A spark of divinity.
(c) Love.
(d) A common bond.

6. According to the introduction, what was Cicero considered to be?
(a) An individualist who believed in human rights.
(b) A radical.
(c) A philospher.
(d) A saint.

7. What must the ruler maintain, according to Cicero?
(a) Balance between powers.
(b) Order.
(c) Equality before law.
(d) Justice.

8. What did Cicero believe strongly about the virtues of philosophy?
(a) They took away the "load of empty troubles."
(b) They were valid and rational.
(c) They were insightful.
(d) They gave comfort to the fearful.

9. How does the book of "On Duties" begin?
(a) With a quote.
(b) With a summary of facts.
(c) With a description of its setting.
(d) With the argument that being morally good provides knowledge to our duties.

10. What did Stoics still think was preferable even if it did not add to happiness?
(a) Love.
(b) Relationships.
(c) Virtues.
(d) External achievement.

11. When did Cicero's reputation decline, according to the introduction?
(a) The 19th century.
(b) It never declined.
(c) The 18th century.
(d) The 17th century.

12. According to Cicero, what will breed resentment in a ruler's subjects?
(a) Power.
(b) Theft.
(c) Dishonor.
(d) Unjust behavior.

13. Who does Grant say took over power in the Roman Republic during Cicero's writing?
(a) Cassius.
(b) Julius.
(c) Crassus.
(d) Caesar.

14. Where is the setting of "Discussions at Tusculum"?
(a) Cicero's apartment.
(b) Cicero's friends house.
(c) Cicero's country villa.
(d) By a river.

15. What are neutral things considered to be, according to Cicero?
(a) Preferables.
(b) Indifferents.
(c) Unpreferables.
(d) Necessary to happiness.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what period did Cicero gain great fame?

2. According to the introduction, who did Cicero criticize?

3. In "On Duties," what will wise rulers win from their subjects?

4. According to "Discussions at Tusculum," why are evil people always miserable?

5. What were the followers of Aristotle called?

(see the answer keys)

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