On the Far Side of the Mountain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On the Far Side of the Mountain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When did Sam write about creating a forge?
(a) December 24.
(b) December 25.
(c) January 4.
(d) January 2.

2. What does Sam's father do?
(a) Farm.
(b) Lawyer.
(c) Doctor.
(d) Work on the docks.

3. Where do eastern peregrine falcons breed?
(a) Greenland and Canada.
(b) Alaska and Canada.
(c) Wyoming.
(d) Montana.

4. What does Sam decide to use to get meat after Frightful is taken?
(a) Gun.
(b) Traps.
(c) Bow and arrow.
(d) Slingshot.

5. What did Alice take that Sam had to make her replace?
(a) Eggs.
(b) Wood.
(c) Thermometer.
(d) Mirror.

6. What did Sam have the first year he lived on the mountaintop?
(a) Old cabin and a bed.
(b) Tree, bed, and a fireplace.
(c) Cave and a fireplace.
(d) Log cabin and fire pit.

7. Who helps Sam fell the tree for the sluice of the millhouse?
(a) Alice.
(b) Bando.
(c) Mrs. Strawberry.
(d) Zella.

8. In what county is Delhi?
(a) Poweshiek.
(b) Delaware.
(c) Story.
(d) Boulder.

9. What does Sam decide to barbecue for his supper in Part 5?
(a) Venison.
(b) Rabbit.
(c) Squirrel.
(d) Trout.

10. How long ago did Sam come to the mountaintop?
(a) 1 years.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 6 months.
(d) 9 months.

11. How fast can Frightful swoop down upon her prey?
(a) 100 mph.
(b) 200 mph.
(c) 175 mph.
(d) 150 mph.

12. What was the name of the horse a merchant took because Mrs. Strawberry hadn't paid a bill?
(a) Goldy.
(b) Slats.
(c) Nanny.
(d) Bricks.

13. How much money did Sam bring from the city?
(a) $25.
(b) $40.
(c) $75.
(d) $50.

14. What did Alice and Sam make with sheepskins they were given?
(a) Carpets.
(b) Pants.
(c) Hats.
(d) Parkas.

15. What type of house does Alice have?
(a) Cave.
(b) Shack.
(c) Log.
(d) Tree.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color are Mr. Longbridge's eyes?

2. Where does Bando teach?

3. What does Bando teach?

4. Who gave Sam his leather-bound journal last summer?

5. How many days does Sam stay on the Spillkill practicing with the sling?

(see the answer keys)

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