On Photography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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On Photography Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Photographs now impose standards of art, culture, and ________ in the world, according to this chapter.
(a) Honor.
(b) Innovation.
(c) Patriotism.
(d) Identity.

2. Arbus made everybody look ________________ when she took her photographs.
(a) Unnatural.
(b) Exactly the same.
(c) Weird.
(d) Deformed.

3. Photography allows all of the goals of surrealism to conflate into a _________ art, according to Sontag.
(a) Understanding.
(b) Universal.
(c) Fine.
(d) Mimetic.

4. Arbus presented her subjects as ______________ who were a part of the universal, the opposite of Whitman's ideas.
(a) Freaks.
(b) Groups.
(c) Individuals.
(d) Families.

5. The FSA project took pictures of __________ groups living in rural areas and experiencing rural problems.
(a) Feral.
(b) Low income.
(c) High income.
(d) Freak.

6. Arbus simply strove to present the subjects of her photographs as ____________ to the viewers.
(a) Normal.
(b) Freaks.
(c) Scary.
(d) Deadly.

7. To Whitman, the ___________ was important and it was critical to accept this truth.
(a) Darkness.
(b) Beauty.
(c) Trivial.
(d) Forest.

8. Surrealism seeks to document and to reconnoiter ___________, much in the same way that photography does.
(a) Books.
(b) Animals.
(c) Society.
(d) Class.

9. Photography yields to viewers _____________ to look and to act as a sort of voyeur without repercussion.
(a) Permission.
(b) A push.
(c) A need.
(d) A desire.

10. Surrealism is like a _____________ because it can't make anything new - it can only judge the past.
(a) Death trip.
(b) Power trip.
(c) True ego.
(d) Wild ride.

11. What is NOT one of the ways that surrealism is described by Sontag in this particular chapter?
(a) Irrational.
(b) Anecdotal.
(c) Dated.
(d) Joyful.

12. Like modern art, according to Sontag, photography lowers ___________ in those who view it.
(a) Sensitivities.
(b) Understanding.
(c) Inhibitions.
(d) Trust.

13. What is NOT one of the things Sontag points out that photography seeks to look at?
(a) People.
(b) Nature.
(c) Paper.
(d) Social abjection.

14. Like surrealism, photography is often about ________ poverty and wealth in its contents or its themes.
(a) Abject.
(b) Extreme.
(c) Duly earned.
(d) True.

15. Whitman's idea was to look beyond the idea of __________ and of ugliness to see more in the world.
(a) Joy.
(b) Understanding.
(c) Beauty.
(d) Peace.

Short Answer Questions

1. Surrealism, like photography, seeks to look at ___________ objects, according to those who deem them so.

2. As the text says, "Hobbesian man roams the streets, quite visible, with ____________ in his hair."

3. According to Sontag, photographs are held to be definitive ___________, though Sontag does not support this idea with facts.

4. What picture of Steichen's was composed of portraiture that showed the universal in the individual?

5. Photographs appropriate place and identity by the act of _________ reproduction, according to Sontag.

(see the answer keys)

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