On Photography Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

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On Photography Quiz | Eight Week Quiz G

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Image-World.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Photography allows painting to focus on the purely __________ of the object being captured.
(a) Abstract.
(b) Unaware.
(c) Impressionistic.
(d) Dark.

2. Photographs also warp our sense of _________ as they are always minute in comparison to the real object.
(a) Value.
(b) Scale.
(c) Reality.
(d) Color.

3. Whitman strove to argue that the world should be seen as a ______________ whole, welded together.
(a) Hand-holding.
(b) Peaceful.
(c) Homogeneous.
(d) Heterogeneous.

4. The question becomes whether photography is a ___________ process of documentation via machine, or not.
(a) Automatic.
(b) Scientific.
(c) Truthful.
(d) Honored.

5. "_______- proud hosts may well pull out photographs of the place to show visitors how really splendid it is."
(a) Family.
(b) Wealth.
(c) Baby.
(d) School.

Short Answer Questions

1. In a sense, according to Sontag, photography actually helps to ____________ beauty as society defines it.

2. Many tribes view the act of taking pictures of something or of someone as ______________.

3. Some cultures feel that the image is in fact part of the _________, according to this chapter of the book.

4. The cave allegory speaks of __________ chained to a wall within the story itself.

5. Photography is a ___________ experience because cameras are cheap, readily available, and easy to use.

(see the answer key)

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