On Photography Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

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On Photography Quiz | Eight Week Quiz D

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 94 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Melancholy Objects.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Photographs become ______________; they record the injuries time does to objects.
(a) Mementos.
(b) Arguments.
(c) Artifacts.
(d) Stories.

2. _____________ often use cameras and practice photography as a method of certifying their travel experience.
(a) Men.
(b) Children.
(c) Tourists.
(d) Women.

3. As the text says, "Hobbesian man roams the streets, quite visible, with ____________ in his hair."
(a) Glitter.
(b) A ribbon.
(c) Lace.
(d) Blood.

4. What was the name of the story to which the name of this chapter refers?
(a) Plato's Cave.
(b) Plato's Republic.
(c) The Republic of Plato.
(d) The Loyalty of Plato.

5. Whitman wanted people to begin to look at the essential ____________ of a person in order to define a person or object.
(a) Flaws.
(b) Beauty.
(c) Limitations.
(d) Value.

Short Answer Questions

1. The program with the FSA resulted in political and social _________ being placed on the rural poor.

2. Arbus presented her subjects as ______________ who were a part of the universal, the opposite of Whitman's ideas.

3. What was the profession or the career choice for Whitman during his time in the world?

4. A photograph seems to be taken in order to guarantee that the event has actually ___________.

5. What is NOT one of the things Sontag points out that photography seeks to look at?

(see the answer key)

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