On Liberty Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Liberty Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 137 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When does the author believe the clash of opposition is good?
(a) When any clash occurs.
(b) When the clash is not violent.
(c) When the clash is not deadly.
(d) When the clash changes both.

2. How has Britain's location as a pair of islands influenced the way that Britain relates to whom?
(a) The Americans.
(b) The 'Non-Europeans.'
(c) The 'Others.'
(d) The 'Continental Europeans.'

3. What does John Stuart Mill show about the real challenge regarding one's views?
(a) It is to face the conflict that can emerge when opinions are shared with a view to obtaining the truth of any given matter.
(b) It is to keep those views to oneself.
(c) It is to face the fact that your beliefs may be wrong.
(d) It is to make sure one's views are accurate and without faults.

4. For millions, if knowledge of the solar system were not proliferated and supporting information both provided and explained would the majority conclude from direct personal experience that the planets travel around the Sun?
(a) Maybe.
(b) Yes.
(c) No.
(d) Most.

5. What altered who could be citizens and who hoped to be, or to become so?
(a) Increased property restriction and other qualities.
(b) The ending of property restrictions and other qualities.
(c) The beginning of property restrictions and other qualities.
(d) Reduced property restrictions and other qualities.

Short Answer Questions

1. Over whom did Copernicus have a superior knowledge of this knowledge?

2. In what did Mill sincerely believe regarding women?

3. What was part of the work of these two friends?

4. Despite the reality that Mill's idea is far from new, it is what?

5. In Mill's case, does he typically mean violent factions?

Short Essay Questions

1. What had Mary Wollstonecraft done for the women's movement?

2. Why is it rare that one has complete freedom as long as one does not oppress or oppose the will of others?

3. Why does the author put the idea of liberty into historical context? Does he confine his criticism to Great Britain?

4. What does Mill say about the beliefs that one opposes?

5. What does the author mean by liberty?

6. How does John Stuart Mill begin this chapter?

7. What is said about Aristotle regarding tyranny in this chapter?

8. How is tyranny a threat to democracy?

9. What was exposed by this aspect of the Middle Ages education system?

10. What does Mill believe about freedoms of speech?

(see the answer keys)

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