On Golden Pond Test | Final Test - Hard

Ernest Thompson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Golden Pond Test | Final Test - Hard

Ernest Thompson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What was Norman's overall impression of Bill?

2. How does Norman take Ethel's suggestion?

3. What is Norman's response to Ethel's reply?

4. What does Norman suggest Billy do about his walk?

5. What does Ethel ask Norman when she comes inside?

Short Essay Questions

1. How, at this point in the play, is Billy's relationship with Norman different from that of Chelsea with her father, Norman?

2. Describe Bill's appearance and Billy and Norman returning from downstairs and how does this give readers a sense who Bill is?

3. The opening conversation in this scene brings up an idea already discussed in the previous scene. What does the conversation concern?

4. Describe the first interaction between Ethel and Chelsea when they are alone.

5. How does the way Ethel behaves in helping Norman and Billy get off to the lake demonstrate an aspect of her personality?

6. One of the statements Bill makes to Norman about Norman's teasing suggests that Chelsea has already prejudiced Bill towards Norman. Describe the scene and say if you think it was fair or wise of Chelsea to "warn" Bill.

7. What does Ethel do after Norman and Billy leave?

8. How does the first interaction between Chelsea and her parents show the reader the relationship between Chelsea and each of her parents?

9. What do you think this first interaction that you described in question #31 implies?

10. Give a brief synopsis of the conversation Chelsea and Ethel have about Norman as Chelsea just arrives.

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Near the end of Act 1, Scene 3, the conversation turns to dancing and Norman expresses regret that he has never taken Ethel dancing. Answer the following questions in a coherent essay using detailed examples from the entire play:

1). What else do you think Norman regrets in his life? Support your ideas with details from the text.

2). Do you think Ethel has any regrets? What would those be? Support your ideas with details from the text.

3). It seems clear that Chelsea has regrets, as she names a couple of them. What are they?

4). Is there any good to be had by holding regrets? What can a person do to let go of regrets?

Essay Topic 2

The first character the reader meets is Norman Thayer. Answer the following questions in a coherent essay using detailed examples from the entire play:

1). Describe Norman physical characteristics.

2). How does the way he is dressed and his actions help portray who he is as a personality?

3). Just from reading about him in Act 1, Scene 1, what would you think are some of his personality traits? Give specific examples for each trait you mention.

Essay Topic 3

In Act 2, Scene 2, Ethel and Norman are packing when the phone rings and Bill is on the line to invite the elderly couple to visit in California. Answer the following questions in a coherent essay using detailed examples from the entire play:

1). After Bill's interaction with Norman when they first meet, do you believe Bill sincerely wishes to spend time with Norman again? Describe the interaction between the two men and then explain why you think Bill does or does not want to have Norman to his home.

2). After Chelsea gets on the line and re-issues the invitation, Norman is still hesitant until he thinks about the fact that he'll see Billy again. How would you feel if your father only wants to visit you to see your stepson? Do you think Norman is being honest with himself about Billy being the main reason Norman will go to California?

3). Taking in consideration the phone exchange between Chelsea and Norman, and the fact that Norman agrees to go to California only to see Billy, do you think the relationship between Norman and Chelsea has improved at all since Chelsea's visit? What else can the two do to improve their relationship?

(see the answer keys)

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