Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. Why didn't Norman pick any more berries?
2. What is Charlie's response to Ethel's suggestion?
3. How could Norman's memory best be described?
4. What seems sad to Charlie?
5. Where do Norman and Ethel Thayer return for their anniversary?
Short Essay Questions
1. Who is Charlie and what is a little about his life and/or history?
2. Describe the scene and conversation about Elmer.
3. What does Charlie say about Chelsea and children and what does this possibly reveal about Charlie as a person?
4. What is both a foreshadowing and a "frame" for the play that occurs at the end of this scene?
5. Though Norman makes no blatant prejudiced statements about Jews, what he does say implies his bigotry. In your own words, what statements seem to suggest that Norman is prejudiced against Jewish people?
6. Give a brief description of the setting at the opening of the play.
7. Give a brief synopsis of Ethel and Charlie's conversation and what the author may be showing through this conversation.
8. What other elderly couple is mentioned in this scene and what does Ethel say about them?
9. Describe Ethel and a little about her.
10. Who is the elderly couple in the play and where are they arriving at the opening of the play?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
The first character the reader meets is Norman Thayer. Answer the following questions in a coherent essay using detailed examples from the entire play:
1). Describe Norman physical characteristics.
2). How does the way he is dressed and his actions help portray who he is as a personality?
3). Just from reading about him in Act 1, Scene 1, what would you think are some of his personality traits? Give specific examples for each trait you mention.
Essay Topic 2
It is obvious that the opening of the Lakeside Cottage is a tradition that goes back many years; in fact, we are told this is the 48th summer that Norman and Ethel have come to their "home in the woods." Answer the following questions in a coherent essay using detailed examples from the entire play:
1). What do you think the fact that these two have spent 48 summers at this Lake says about them as people?
2). Can you imagine always spending your summers at the same place every year?
3). If you answer yes to the above question, describe the place that you would like to go for that many summers.
4). If you answer "no" to question 2, describe several places that you would want to go for vacations.
5). Are there any traditions you and your family maintain year after year?
Essay Topic 3
In Act 1, Scene 2 when Charlie comes inside, he knocks the screen door off its hinges and offers to help repair it, but Norman refuses his offer, just as Ethel refused Charlie's offer initially to fix the door.
Answer the following questions in a coherent essay using detailed examples from the entire play:
1). Why do you think Ethel refuses Charlie's help with the screen door?
2). Why do you think Norman refuses Charlie's help with the screen door?
3). Do you think the reasons they refuse are influenced by their gender?
This section contains 1,327 words (approx. 5 pages at 300 words per page) |