On Fortune's Wheel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Fortune's Wheel Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is another thing the Earl reveals to Birle in Chapter 23?
(a) He is the one who taught her grandparents to read and write.
(b) He does not think she and Orien suit one another.
(c) He is her real grandfather.
(d) He saw her as a baby.

2. What does Birle decide to reveal to Joaquim upon his questioning?
(a) Her ability to read.
(b) The fact that she can catch fish easily.
(c) Her love for Orien.
(d) The story of her journey so far.

3. As Birle leaves to go find Orien, who does she run into?
(a) Corbel.
(b) Guards.
(c) The Little Mistress.
(d) Joaquim.

4. What does Corbel suggest doing with Birle?
(a) Having her marry Joaquim.
(b) Giving her as a gift to his wife.
(c) Making her his second wife.
(d) Selling her away.

5. What does Birle realize about Nan's scolding?
(a) It is her way of showing care.
(b) It is her way of telling Birle she is incompetent.
(c) It is her way of getting her anger out.
(d) It is her way of getting things done.

Short Answer Questions

1. How is Corbel's absence an advantage to Joaquim?

2. Why does Damall not want to let Birle, Yul, and Orien go free just yet in Chapter 20?

3. What day is nearing at the beginning of Chapter 22?

4. What surprises Orien about Hearing Day?

5. Once Orien is well, what happens to him at night?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Birle come to understand about Gladaegal?

2. Who is Lady Fortune and what does Joaquim say about her?

3. Describe Damall's character and who he is.

4. Birle sees a hand nailed to a board holding a gold coin and she finds out that there is another hand on the other side as well as the heads that go with the hands elsewhere at the marketplace. What do these represent and who are they?

5. What is Birle grateful for having known?

6. How is Birle's life now in Chapter 15, living with Joaquim?

7. What changes once Orien is back in the Kingdom?

8. What does Joaquim say to convince Corbel to let Birle continue staying with him, and why does he do it?

9. When Orien is injured and Birle rushes to the laboratory, what does she realize?

10. Describe Birle's work as a slave for Joaquim and what drives her to work so hard.

(see the answer keys)

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