On Fortune's Wheel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Fortune's Wheel Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Orien do to mark their presence where he and Birle are stranded?
(a) Scratches their names into pieces of wood left from the boat.
(b) Ties pieces of their cloaks to a tree.
(c) Scratches their names into a rock.
(d) Scratches their names into the bark of a tree.

2. Who is Lyss?
(a) Birle's grandmother.
(b) Birle's mother.
(c) Birle's stepmother.
(d) Birle's sister.

3. What does the Lord call Birle every so often?
(a) Inndaughter.
(b) Innkeeper's Daughter.
(c) Little One.
(d) Falcon's Child.

4. What is the first thing our main character is said to have seen in the very beginning of the novel?
(a) A shadow.
(b) Nothing. She hears someone.
(c) A boat.
(d) A man.

5. When Birle awakens from sleeping on the boat in Chapter 6, what is she met with?
(a) Being kidnapped.
(b) Rain.
(c) The disappearance of the Lord.
(d) Fog.

Short Answer Questions

1. What article of clothing does Birle use in hopes of the rain soaking it?

2. Why does the thief decide to keep Birle on board the boat and listen to her?

3. What does Birle confess to having done back at the Inn?

4. How does the Lord say that men of his stature bathe in the winter?

5. Who else does the older man buy?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the encounter between the dog, the Lord, and Birle. What about Birle's character is expressed through her actions?

2. What tactics does Birle use in attempts to draw out her time spent with the Lord?

3. What new information do we find out about Birle's family and life in Chapter 7?

4. In the beginning of Chapter 2, the mysterious man is asleep while Birle lies awake, yet she is unafraid. What makes her not fear this man?

5. What does the name Corbel seem to stand for, who uses it, and why?

6. Why does Birle keep trying to prolong the time she spends with the Lord, and how does she do this in the beginning of Chapter 5?

7. Joaquim and Corbel are brothers, yet they are vastly different. Briefly describe their differences and mention why Corbel keeps Joaquim around.

8. Describe how Birle is treated by the middling man.

9. What are the "treasures" Birle's grandparents bestow upon her and why are they so important?

10. Why does Orien pretend to be like Ker and Torson when the brothers begin to look at Birle as a woman?

(see the answer keys)

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