On Fortune's Wheel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Fortune's Wheel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is another thing the Earl reveals to Birle in Chapter 23?
(a) He is her real grandfather.
(b) He saw her as a baby.
(c) He does not think she and Orien suit one another.
(d) He is the one who taught her grandparents to read and write.

2. What keeps Birle on the move while working as a slave?
(a) Fear.
(b) Love.
(c) Money.
(d) Beatings.

3. What changes in Orien and Birle's relationship in Chapter 21?
(a) Orien adopts Birle as his sister.
(b) They are now best friends.
(c) Birle no longer loves Orien, but he is now the one who loves her.
(d) They are now man and woman.

4. During what season are Birle and Orien currently traveling in Chapter 21?
(a) Summer.
(b) Spring.
(c) Autumn.
(d) Winter.

5. What surprises Orien about Hearing Day?
(a) That it is not organized.
(b) That it is run by his grandfather.
(c) That it is so short.
(d) That it is so long.

6. What does Birle decide to reveal to Joaquim upon his questioning?
(a) The fact that she can catch fish easily.
(b) Her ability to read.
(c) The story of her journey so far.
(d) Her love for Orien.

7. What blocks the path of Birle, Yul, and Orien as they are escaping the city?
(a) Corbel.
(b) An army of men.
(c) Joaquim.
(d) Pirates.

8. Once Orien is well, what happens to him at night?
(a) He is attacked by a dog.
(b) His wounds hurt.
(c) He has insomnia.
(d) He has nightmares.

9. What does Birle warn Orien about when she is finally able to talk with him?
(a) The plague.
(b) The coming war.
(c) The cruelty of Corbel.
(d) The winter fever.

10. What is revealed about Corbel's wife, Celinde?
(a) She is a grand lady.
(b) She is a rich old woman.
(c) She is a child.
(d) She is with child.

11. What does Birle practice in the evenings with Joaquim?
(a) Writing.
(b) Cooking.
(c) Sewing.
(d) Reading.

12. What do the notices around the city state?
(a) A feast to celebrate the Prince's one year of rule.
(b) A wanted poster for Orien.
(c) A warning to slaves not to escape.
(d) A reminder that Corbel is the ruler.

13. Who does Birle learn that the hands belong to?
(a) The boy.
(b) Orien and his master.
(c) Corbel's soldiers.
(d) Ker and Torson.

14. What day is nearing at the beginning of Chapter 22?
(a) Christmas.
(b) Hearing Day.
(c) Harvest Day.
(d) The Earl's birthday.

15. What does Joaquim announce to Birle near the end of Chapter 18?
(a) That he intends to marry her.
(b) That he has finally achieved alchemy.
(c) That he is really Corbel's father.
(d) That he is leaving the city.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Joaquim tell Birle to hope for?

2. What does Joaquim teach Yul how to do?

3. Where has Corbel gone for the summer?

4. What does Yul do to give alert to Birle in Chapter 19 during their escape from the city?

5. What does Birle tell Yul to do if they get parted at the marketplace?

(see the answer keys)

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