On Fortune's Wheel Test | Final Test - Easy

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On Fortune's Wheel Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Birle name her daughter?
(a) Moll.
(b) Yula.
(c) Lyss.
(d) Nan.

2. Who is the first person of Birle's family to spot her after her return home?
(a) Da.
(b) Moll.
(c) Nan.
(d) Reid.

3. What can Nan tell about Birle without her saying anything?
(a) That Birle is in love.
(b) That Birle is pregnant.
(c) That Birle broke her own heart.
(d) That Birle is married.

4. Who is revealed to have murdered Orien's father?
(a) The Earl.
(b) A huntsman seeking revenge.
(c) Gladaegal.
(d) Gladaegal's wife.

5. Who is inside the bundle of dirty clothes that Yul leans against the wall?
(a) The boy.
(b) Joaquim.
(c) Orien.
(d) The Little Mistress.

6. Why does Corbel get angry with Birle?
(a) Because she distracts the soldiers.
(b) Because Joaquim's labratory is dirty.
(c) Because she is dirty.
(d) Because she cannot understand Yul.

7. What keeps Birle on the move while working as a slave?
(a) Money.
(b) Fear.
(c) Love.
(d) Beatings.

8. What were Nan and Da planning to do with Birle before her wedding to Muir?
(a) Tie her to the bed and tell Muir she only had days to live.
(b) Tie her to the bed and tell Muir she had a spotted fever.
(c) Take her away to another village until Muir gave up.
(d) Force her to leave the country.

9. What does Birle suggest Orien do?
(a) Send a letter to his grandfather.
(b) Run away to the Philosopher's house.
(c) Stay where he is and she will get him out.
(d) Run away to the Kingdom.

10. What does Birle convince Joaquim to do at the beginning of Chapter 19?
(a) Free all the slaves.
(b) Give her more money.
(c) Take the slaves with him.
(d) Not leave.

11. What changes in Orien and Birle's relationship in Chapter 21?
(a) Orien adopts Birle as his sister.
(b) They are now man and woman.
(c) Birle no longer loves Orien, but he is now the one who loves her.
(d) They are now best friends.

12. When Birle tells Joaquim of the Kingdom, what does he think of it?
(a) He thinks of it as a magical kingdom.
(b) He thinks of it as a non-existant kingdom.
(c) He thinks of it as a famine-filled kingdom.
(d) He thinks of it as a war-zone kingdom.

13. How long has it been since the beginning of the novel at the point where Birle and Orien finally are reunited during their time in slavery?
(a) A year.
(b) Two years.
(c) Six months.
(d) A few weeks.

14. During what season are Birle and Orien currently traveling in Chapter 21?
(a) Autumn.
(b) Summer.
(c) Winter.
(d) Spring.

15. Who is Damall?
(a) Corbel's spy.
(b) The head robber.
(c) The king's general.
(d) The wild man.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Orien's brother greet him?

2. In front of what does Birle sit at the beginning of Chapter 24?

3. What does Birle realize after seeing Orien disappear after he sees her?

4. As Birle leaves to go find Orien, who does she run into?

5. What happened to Joaquim's wife?

(see the answer keys)

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