On Dreams Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

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On Dreams Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 2 (pp. 8-17).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Freud characterize the question as to the meaning of the dream?
(a) As reproachful.
(b) As double-sided.
(c) As comical.
(d) As single-minded.

2. Freud asks the question, can sense be made of each single dream as of other_____?
(a) Methods of survival.
(b) Types of dreaming.
(c) Mental syntheses.
(d) Functions of the body.

3. What does the doctor assure a patient he is working with that is not a possible state of mind to be in?
(a) A hysterical one.
(b) A misplaced on.
(c) A concentrated one.
(d) A blank one.

4. The dream of Freud's own about Mrs. E.L. appears confusing and meaningless to Freud's _____.
(a) Memory.
(b) Morality.
(c) Decision-making process.
(d) Taste.

5. What was the antique shawl that Freud gave one of his friends a charm against?
(a) The plague.
(b) Animal spirits.
(c) The Malocchio.
(d) Dragons.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Freud say impairs a patient's ability to impart ideas about his obsessions?

2. Which medical writer does Freud quote when he speaks of the medical views of his time on the nature of dreams?

3. What elements of the brain does Freud feel the medical writers narrowly attribute the nature of dreams to?

4. Freud says that many philosophers maintain that dreams have their origin in _____.

5. Since the downfall of mythological hypothesis in dreams, Freud writes that interpretation of the dream has been _____.

(see the answer key)

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