On Dreams Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

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On Dreams Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 11 (pp. 65-69).

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Condensation and _____ do not wholly account for the difference between dream contents and dream thoughts.
(a) Realization.
(b) Dramatization.
(c) Characterization.
(d) Correlation.

2. What elements of the brain does Freud feel the medical writers narrowly attribute the nature of dreams to?
(a) Cortical.
(b) Frontal.
(c) Occipital.
(d) Conical.

3. Freud says that _____ believes what it wishes to believe in terms of dreams about foretelling the future.
(a) Folk psychology.
(b) The mind.
(c) Medicine.
(d) Parapsychology.

4. In Freud's estimation, the dream about Mrs. E.L. is used as an example because it has the advantage of _____.
(a) Action.
(b) Detail.
(c) Continuity.
(d) Brevity.

5. Freud labels displacement as purely _____.
(a) Physiological.
(b) Counterproductive.
(c) Psychological.
(d) Creative.

Short Answer Questions

1. The ego of Mr. M--- in Freud's dream is represented as a _____.

2. Where repression exists without concealment, the dream is brought to an end by a feeling of _____.

3. The dream's independence of _____ is a problem in the study of dreams that Freud feels needs addressing.

4. Certain _____ occur in dream content when a person is asleep.

5. What does Freud say of the dream's means of expression versus those of the imagination?

(see the answer key)

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