On Death and Dying Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Death and Dying Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 143 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Of what does chapter X primarily consist?
(a) Coping strategies for terminally ill patients.
(b) Interviews with patients.
(c) Instructions for comforting family members of terminal patients.
(d) Deeper explanations of the five stages of grief.

2. What does Cicely Saunders think is the most important thing for doctors to do with their terminally ill patients?
(a) Let them bring in objects from home.
(b) Give them time to be outdoors before their death.
(c) Let them express their feelings about death.
(d) Allow unlimited visits from family.

3. What do some men do when their wives fall ill to a terminal illness?
(a) Quit their jobs, and cling to their wives.
(b) Find a reason to be unfaithful.
(c) Try desperately to find a second opinion and a possible cure.
(d) Revert to children.

4. How long was Mr. Y. allowed to see his wife every day?
(a) Fifty minutes.
(b) Five hours.
(c) Five minutes.
(d) Not at all.

5. What sustains the young girl in chapter X through her illness?
(a) Her amazingly supportive parents.
(b) Her faith that her fate is in God's hands.
(c) Her chance to discuss her illness with a therapist.
(d) Her very experienced doctors.

6. How did some of the inattentive nurses respond to Kubler-Ross's seminars?
(a) They were offended at having their actions judged.
(b) They worked together to write a new manual specifically for nurses.
(c) They were motivated to report the doctors who had been so callous.
(d) They became strong advocates of her work and now teach her seminars.

7. What does Kubler-Ross tell the clergy that their tools for helping the terminally ill really are?
(a) A way to earn the trust of the patient and undermine the doctors.
(b) A way to hide the real truth from themselves and the patients.
(c) A way to appear wiser than their medical doctors.
(d) A way to keep the patient from entering the stage of acceptance.

8. What do the family of terminally ill patients need to do after the funeral is over and the friends have all left?
(a) Move on as fast as possible.
(b) Write about their experience.
(c) Get some rest.
(d) Talk about their feelings.

9. What hard task do family members of terminally ill patients need to do as the final sign of acceptance?
(a) Allow their loved one to withdraw from them.
(b) Allow their loved one to speak freely of death.
(c) Allow their loved one to need their constant presence.
(d) Allow their loved one the freedom of silence.

10. Who has become like a sister to Mrs. S. through all of her trials?
(a) Her son's teacher.
(b) Her neighbor.
(c) Her mother-in-law.
(d) Her nurse.

11. Why does Kubler-Ross feel that a certain person would be most beneficial to the terminal patient at the time of passing?
(a) The doctor will know how to best ease the passing of the patient.
(b) A therapist can alleviate the guilt for a loved one who does not feel comfortable being there.
(c) Having family closer can provide comfort in death for the patient.
(d) A soul can rest in peace when there is no one left to ask them to hold on.

12. Why did some of the nurses avoid tending to patients who were terminally ill?
(a) They were afraid of getting sick.
(b) They did not like to be dragged down by depressed patients.
(c) They did not want a patient to die while they were in the room.
(d) They felt their time was wasted on people who were dying.

13. Who were the doctors of the patients who did not request the seminars with Kubler-Ross and her team?
(a) The doctors who were against having Kubler-Ross give her seminars.
(b) The doctors who took the time to speak to their patients about death.
(c) The doctors who allowed family to visit all the time.
(d) The doctors who were against most outside visitors.

14. Where does the patient in the last chapter transfer the anger he has towards his wife?
(a) The hospital staff.
(b) Kubler-Ross and her staff.
(c) His children.
(d) Himself.

15. What is different about the people who are receptive to Kubler-Ross's seminars when she first starts having them?
(a) They have all lost more than one close friend.
(b) They are all older.
(c) They are all European.
(d) They are all therapists.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who shows resistance to Kubler-Ross's seminars on death when she first starts?

2. What is the one complaint that the young girl's mother has?

3. For whom does Mrs. S. live her life?

4. What was an UNEXPECTED benefit of Kubler-Ross' seminars for the patients who attended?

5. What was the biggest change that Kubler-Ross noticed when she had finished her seminars?

(see the answer keys)

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