On Christian Doctrine Test | Final Test - Medium

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On Christian Doctrine Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 199 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Book Three, Augustine argues that since holy men from scripture receive evil language from God because of their condition, how should the passages with such language be read?
(a) In context with the laws that God is applying to the particular situation.
(b) With sufficient references to historical data.
(c) Both literally and figuratively.
(d) With the understanding that God's word transcends time, so that spoken directly to holy men can be considered relevant to current settings.

2. What is an apparent contradiction regarding Augustine's expectation of students to interpretation and an omission from his commentaries in "On Christian Doctrine"?
(a) Augustine demands his students to spend time in seclusion and study, but does not call for the same from teachers.
(b) Augustine expects his students to investigate the intentions of the authors of Scripture, but he does not detail his intentions in choosing the issues on which he focuses.
(c) Augustine writes that the understanding of the principles of Christian love are sufficient to begin the interpretation of Scripture, but he spends more time examining Old Testament law.
(d) Augustine criticizes the Donatists yet he uses their theology on which to base "On Christian Doctrine."

3. Why does Augustine claim this knowledge is required to understand what Scripture teaches?
(a) Because knowing the language, culture, and settings of the Scriptural record guides in making correct interpretations of Scripture.
(b) Because knowing the history of Israel and the prophecies concerning Christ makes a full connection between Israelite and Christian Scriptures.
(c) Because knowing the dietary and moral laws of the Nazarites aids in understanding the life and miracles of Christ.
(d) Because knowing the demands of the law of Israel helps to understand the freedom that Christians have through the atoning death of Christ.

4. What are the two different ways that God and angels speak in Scripture, as identified in Book Three?
(a) Figuratively and literally.
(b) Of signs and things.
(c) In spiritual terms and human terms.
(d) With cruelty and kindness.

5. What Augustine accomplished with his first three books from "On Christian Doctrine"?
(a) He identified the difference between his line of reasoning and those who criticize his views.
(b) He established a beginning set of exegetical principles.
(c) He left out important details that could be useful in the interpretation of Scripture.
(d) He set out an intimidating course of study that only the serious student of Scripture will be willing to consider.

Short Answer Questions

1. From what type of education does Augustine develop his curriculum of Scriptural learning?

2. How will studying this subject help in understanding Scripture?

3. What are the mix of subjects that Augustine emphasizes in his education?

4. What type of language from Scriptural characters must be taken literally, according to Augustine?

5. By making the demands of understanding Scripture difficult, who was Augustine criticizing?

(see the answer keys)

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