On Christian Doctrine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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On Christian Doctrine Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Augustine encourage his critics to remember in the Preface?
(a) To patiently contemplate his points before they make a judgment.
(b) To remember experiencing learning for themselves.
(c) To practice the rhetorical skills he embraces to make criticism more effective.
(d) To be wary of falling into the trap of heresy.

2. What are the three things Augustine identifies as how God inspires His children?
(a) The promise of His return, His illuminated truths, and signs.
(b) Signs, things, and enjoyment.
(c) His death, resurrection, and promise of return.
(d) His illuminated truths, special gifts, and signs.

3. How are things separated by Augustine?
(a) Categories of things that are things and things that are signs.
(b) Categories of things that are Biblical and things that are non-Biblical.
(c) Categories of things under God's authority and things that are sinful.
(d) Categories of things that are enjoyed and things that are used.

4. What should be the nature of the relationship between humans and God according to Augustine?
(a) Humans should fear the authority of God over judgment.
(b) God should be enjoyed by humans.
(c) Humans should become like God.
(d) Humans should submit to God's authority.

5. What is the main difference between the system of learning that Augustine advocates and that advocated by the critics he focuses on in the Preface?
(a) Augustine's system of learning requires study in Greek philosophy whereas the critics require researching copies of manuscripts.
(b) Augustine's system requires study and application of rules whereas the critics believe they can understand through special gifts.
(c) Augustine's system requires great expense in accessing the necessary documents of learning whereas the critics allow for the interpretation of the spirit through tongues.
(d) Augustine's system requires finding a qualified Priest to hand down the official teaching of the Church whereas the critics allow free interpretation.

6. Why does Augustine expect the method of accessing knowledge he lacks to be successful?
(a) Augustine has great respect for other learned Priests within his sphere.
(b) Augustine believes that God will give to him because God gives to those who "give away," as does Augustine when he teaches.
(c) Augustine believes God guides those who gather in Christian community.
(d) Augustine is familiar with the classification system of the library at Hippo Regius.

7. Who does Augustine suggest has the ability to know the Truth?
(a) Illuminated minds.
(b) All minds joined in community.
(c) Minds God endowed with special gifts.
(d) All minds.

8. What does Augustine consider as God's typical means of delivering His illumination?
(a) Using nature to deliver His illumination.
(b) Using the"still quiet moments" to deliver His illumination.
(c) Using humans to deliver His illumination.
(d) Using adversity to deliver His illumination.

9. How does Augustine relate Truth and God?
(a) God creates things and Truth, but the way humans use things and accept Truth determines whether humans enjoy the experience.
(b) Truth is based upon an unchanging standard and God is that unchanging standard.
(c) God creates things and things can be used to prove truth.
(d) God created truth, but humans misuse things to reject truth.

10. What is an important distinction that Augustine teaches students to understand through three Books of "On Christian Doctrine?
(a) The difference between sins of omission and original sin.
(b) The difference between original sin and human nature.
(c) The difference between "things" and "signs."
(d) The difference between "special gifts" and talents.

11. What does Augustine use to illustrate a thing to be enjoyed?
(a) A delicious meal.
(b) The special gift that enables one to cook a delicious meal.
(c) The pot for cooking a delicious meal.
(d) The gathering of friends who come to share a delicious meal.

12. Of these influences on individual thought, which does Augustine claim Scripture teaches are negative to Christian thought?
(a) A spouse can distract a Christian with the "needs of this world."
(b) A Rabbi can distract a Christian from the "Final Propitiation."
(c) Land owners can convince Christians that the blessings of God are demonstrated through material riches.
(d) The devil can mislead someone to think that a Christian knows more than they do.

13. What does Augustine write is incompatible with love?
(a) Coveting things for one's self is incompatible with love.
(b) Using things for non-Scriptural purposes is incompatible with love.
(c) Using things without seeking wisdom is incompatible with love.
(d) Using things without the goal of enjoying them is incompatible with love.

14. With what prediction does Augustine start "On Christian Doctrine"?
(a) The work will face three kinds of criticism.
(b) Christians will gather around a uniform doctrine.
(c) God will assure that the Church will become the primary social force in the world.
(d) Christians will transform society through piety and rhetorical skill.

15. Upon what does Augustine focus most of his efforts in the Preface of "On Christian Doctrine"?
(a) Criticism from those who believe it is not needed.
(b) Criticism that his demands for linguistic studies were too exclusive.
(c) Criticism from those who claim that Augustine relied too much on training and not enough on divine guidance.
(d) Criticism from those who refuse or are unable to apply it.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Augustine use the items of his example to illustrate his distinction?

2. What is Augustine's perception of God's dispensation of "special gifts" of interpreting Scripture?

3. Augustine endeavors to answer many questions about what subject in Book One?

4. How does Augustine characterize the argument that his teaching is not needed because it comes from a human source?

5. What does Augustine recommend to avoid the negative influences on individual thought?

(see the answer keys)

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