On Beauty and Being Just Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elaine Scarry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

On Beauty and Being Just Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Elaine Scarry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What kind of approach does Scarry say Marxism takes?
(a) Political.
(b) Religious.
(c) Generational.
(d) Theoretical.

2. What does Scarry say beautiful does NOT always include?
(a) The truth.
(b) The brave.
(c) The right.
(d) The future.

3. What form did Scarry study most in Matisse's work?
(a) Catalogues.
(b) Prints.
(c) Originals.
(d) Glices.

4. What does Scarry think beauty brings?
(a) Calmness.
(b) Justice.
(c) All of these.
(d) Confidence.

5. What does Scarry say about things that were once ugly and then appear beautiful?
(a) They can be pleasant surprises.
(b) They are worse than beautiful things going ugly.
(c) They are revelatory moments.
(d) They show long hidden truth.

6. What struck Odysseus first about the person he visited?
(a) Her nudity.
(b) Her gentility.
(c) Her beauty.
(d) Her strength.

7. Whom did Odysseus visit?
(a) Norad.
(b) Niciria.
(c) Nausicaa.
(d) Nice.

8. Who was Wittgenstein?
(a) A politician.
(b) A writer.
(c) A philosopher.
(d) A king.

9. How does Scarry say she feels when she stops craving beauty?
(a) Relieved.
(b) Comfortable.
(c) Afraid.
(d) Betrayed.

10. What does Scarry say brings about equality in society?
(a) Men being like women.
(b) Women speaking out.
(c) Beauty veing recognized.
(d) Women being like men.

11. What impulse does Scarry say beauty creates?
(a) The impulse to improve one's self.
(b) The impulse to beget.
(c) The impulse to find beauty.
(d) The impulse to write.

12. What shocked Scarry about the bird in the tree?
(a) It was larger than life.
(b) It was beautiful.
(c) It was scary.
(d) It was not how she thought it would be.

13. What does Scarry say about things that once were beautiful but change?
(a) They are hard on the heart.
(b) All of these.
(c) They show use ourselves.
(d) They confuse the ideas of beauty.

14. What does Scarry say marked works created imperfectly?
(a) The desire to reach perfection.
(b) The need for beauty.
(c) The desire to attempt creation.
(d) The need for impulses.

15. What kind of approach does Scarry say feminism takes?
(a) Theoretical.
(b) Religious.
(c) Political.
(d) Generational.

Short Answer Questions

1. What kind of book is this?

2. What kind of tree did Matisse always hate?

3. What led to Proust's desire to stay somewhere the rest of his life?

4. What changed in Scarry's vision when she found beauty in a certain tree?

5. What does Scarry say the general attitude about beauty indicates in society?

(see the answer keys)

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