Olive's Ocean Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kevin Henkes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Olive's Ocean Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Kevin Henkes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What secret does Martha tell Godbee in Chapter 25?
(a) She likes Jimmy Manning.
(b) She doesn't always like her mother.
(c) She faked having a fever so she didn't have to go to school.
(d) She once drove the car around the block.

2. Which Manning brother had Martha liked on previous visits?
(a) Tate.
(b) Luke.
(c) Todd.
(d) Leo.

3. On what date is Olive's journal entry written?
(a) December 23.
(b) June 7.
(c) August 20.
(d) September 15.

4. Which type of books did Olive like?
(a) Autobiographies.
(b) Those that evoked emotions.
(c) Murder mysteries.
(d) Historical fiction.

5. What project is Jimmy Manning working on?
(a) A woodworking project.
(b) A video.
(c) A drag race car.
(d) A cookbook.

6. Which two things are missing from Godbee's house that Martha has at hers?
(a) E-mail and a shower stall.
(b) Electric garage door opener and E-mail.
(c) E-mail and a dishwasher.
(d) Cable TV and a dishwasher.

7. How does Martha know that everything is OK again between her parents?
(a) They are holding hands.
(b) They are kissing.
(c) They are whispering to each other.
(d) They are walking hand-in-hand.

8. What does Godbee suggest that Martha spend some time doing?
(a) Napping.
(b) Writing.
(c) Reading.
(d) Swimming.

9. What is Martha's grandmother's name?
(a) Dorothy Boyle.
(b) Dinah Brown.
(c) Dede Bowdoin.
(d) Delores Bartin.

10. Where does Martha's mother work?
(a) WHWI-TV.
(b) Wisconsin Public Radio.
(c) Macy's.
(d) Pottery Barn.

11. When does Martha get a "glittery feeling"?
(a) When she gets near her Grandmother's house.
(b) When camping out on summer nights.
(c) On the first day of school.
(d) On Christmas Eve.

12. When did Olive first come to Martha's school?
(a) February.
(b) December.
(c) September.
(d) March.

13. What information does Godbee share with Martha?
(a) She bought some new diamond earrings.
(b) Her garden isn't producing well this year.
(c) Her knees hurt all the time.
(d) She hates her hands.

14. What mode of transportation does Olive's mother use to leave Martha's house?
(a) Motorcycle.
(b) Taxi.
(c) Bicycle.
(d) Van.

15. In what month had Olive died?
(a) May.
(b) November.
(c) July.
(d) April.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Martha read in Chapter 3?

2. What does Martha write on the sidewalk when she takes Lucy for a ride in the stroller?

3. Who does Martha hope will call her in Chapter 23?

4. Dennis says that he is going to give up the idea of writing a book and ____________________.

5. What does Dennis bring with him when he does come home?

(see the answer keys)

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