Oliver Twist Test | Final Test - Easy

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Oliver Twist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 145 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why is Fagin in such dire need of a new apprentice when he meets Noah?
(a) Bill has formed a new society.
(b) Nancy is suspected as a spy.
(c) Dodger was arrested.
(d) Charley has run away.

2. What does Bill refuse to let Nancy do on Sunday night?
(a) Leave the house.
(b) Talk with Fagin alone.
(c) Send a letter.
(d) Have extra wine.

3. Where is Nancy heading when she is finally able to leave the house on the second Sunday that Oliver is in town?
(a) Oliver's hotel.
(b) A bar.
(c) Fagin's house.
(d) The bridge.

4. How much money is in the Leeward's inheritance?
(a) 6,000 pounds.
(b) 60,000 pounds.
(c) 600 pounds.
(d) 60 pounds.

5. How does Fagin feel about the news that Noah brings him regarding Nancy?
(a) He is surprised.
(b) He is scared.
(c) He is amused.
(d) He is angry.

6. What is Mr. Bumble's title before he marries Mrs. Corney?
(a) Case Worker.
(b) Pauper protector.
(c) Beadle.
(d) Orphanage associate.

7. What does Bill demand from Fagin while he is sick with a fever?
(a) Food.
(b) Money.
(c) Medicine.
(d) Plans for the next robbery.

8. Who does Fagin say that Noah must see as being as important as himself in order to be in the gang?
(a) Charlotte.
(b) Monks.
(c) Bill.
(d) Fagin.

9. What does Fagin ask of Oliver before he is hung?
(a) To help him escape.
(b) To forgive him.
(c) To witness about his innocence.
(d) To take the money he has hidden.

10. What sentence will Fagin receive if he is charged as an accessory to Nancy's murder?
(a) Shipped to Austrailia.
(b) Life in prison.
(c) Hanging.
(d) Life of hard labor for the state.

11. What do the police say when they investigate the scene of the robbery?
(a) It was a botched job.
(b) They didn't get away with much.
(c) It was done by professionals.
(d) The robbers should be easy to track.

12. After Rose refuses Harry, when do they plan to meet again?
(a) In 6 months.
(b) In a month.
(c) In 2 years.
(d) In a year.

13. Who adopts Oliver at the end of the book?
(a) Mrs. Maylie.
(b) Mr. Bumble.
(c) Mr. Brownlow.
(d) Rose.

14. Where does Mrs. Maylie choose to live at the end of the book?
(a) With Mr. Brownlow in the West Indies.
(b) With Rose and Harry.
(c) At her house with Oliver.
(d) In a new house in London.

15. What is Fagin's state on the day he is to die?
(a) Terrified.
(b) Delirious.
(c) Peaceful.
(d) Furious.

Short Answer Questions

1. How do Noah and Charlotte afford to come to London?

2. How does Mr. Bumble feel about his new marriage?

3. Who else is riding in the coach that Harry leaves in?

4. Who tells Mr. Brownlow the truth about Oliver?

5. Who finds Monks on the streets?

(see the answer keys)

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