The Old Man and the Sea Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Old Man and the Sea Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What had become a habit for the boy during the old man's absence?
(a) Arguing with the fishermen who made fun of Santiago.
(b) Stopping by Santiago's shack every morning.
(c) Saving newspapers for Santiago to read.
(d) Waking up late so he did not have to go fishing.

2. What two spots does Santiago hit on the first brown shark?
(a) The jaw and the fins.
(b) The underbelly and the dorsal fin.
(c) Both eyes.
(d) The brain and the eye.

3. What does the marlin do as the sun rises on the third day?
(a) It begins circling the boat.
(b) It picks up speed and swims on top of the water.
(c) It tries to chew the line.
(d) It jumps every ten minutes.

4. After killing the Mako shark, what is Santiago aware of as missing?
(a) His harpoon.
(b) His casting net.
(c) The feeling in his left hand.
(d) The tradewinds.

5. What is the first thing Santiago asks the boy to bring him when he finally wakes up?
(a) The head of the marlin.
(b) A bowl of yellow rice and fish.
(c) The newspapers for the days he was gone.
(d) Another cup of coffee with milk and sugar.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does the boy fear will defeat the Yankees?

2. Why does the boy not go out with the fishing boats the morning of Santiago's return?

3. How does the old man discover that the fish is slowing down?

4. After killing the Mako shark, what does Santiago eat?

5. What does Santiago imagine was the reason the fish finally jumped?

Short Essay Questions

1. Identify a few passages in the story that indicate the pride of Santiago.

2. How does Hemingway demonstrate Santiago's expertise as a sailor and fisherman?

3. After Santiago manages to kill the shovel-nosed sharks that have taken about a quarter of the meat off his marlin, how does he feel?

4. How does the old man utilize the power of positive thinking as he struggles with the huge marlin during the night?

5. On the second night, describe the old man's recollection that shows how strong he was years ago.

6. Explain the meaning of the statement that Santiago loved the lions in his dreams like he loved the boy.

7. How does Santiago show his resolution as he holds the line and thinks about all the things the fish might do?

8. Explain the first indication that Santiago has that he has caught a very large fish, even though he has not seen it and does know know what kind of fish it is.

9. Describe Santiago's first sighting of the marlin.

10. Why did Santiago decide he could sleep a while on the second night?

(see the answer keys)

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