The Old Man and the Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Old Man and the Sea Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What commonality does Santiago observe in deep water fish when they pick up speed?
(a) They are always hungry.
(b) They turn yellow when they are angry or frightened.
(c) They all look green in the water.
(d) They have purple stripes or spots.

2. What does Santiago mean when he thinks that man is not made for defeat?
(a) Man can only be defeated if he loses his mind.
(b) Man will always win over animals.
(c) Man can be destroyed but not defeated.
(d) Man cannot lose a battle.

3. What does Santiago consider as his principal friends on the ocean?
(a) The dolphins.
(b) The flying fish.
(c) The giant turtles.
(d) The song birds.

4. What does the old man do to prepare for the arrival of the shark?
(a) He gets his harpoon ready.
(b) He thinks he is dreaming.
(c) He baits a hook and throws out another line.
(d) He tosses the rotting fish carcasses overboard to distract the shark.

5. What does Santiago dream of?
(a) Africa and the lions on the beach.
(b) The fights he had when he was young.
(c) The women he has known in his youth.
(d) Fishing in a new, large boat.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Santiago estimate the size of the marlin?

2. What does Santiago look for as he sails toward the land?

3. Why doesn't Santiago put the marlin into his boat?

4. What contrast does Santiago think about that shows the hard work ahead of him as night falls?

5. After the second brown shark is killed, what does it do?

Short Essay Questions

1. What makes Manolin cry after he discovers the old man at his house?

2. How do you know that Santiago only intended to fish for one day when he left to go far out into the sea?

3. How does the man-of-war bird help Santiago catch an albacore?

4. Describe the conditions during the first night after Santiago caught the big fish.

5. Describe the last moments that define the valor of the great marlin.

6. How does Hemingway demonstrate Santiago's expertise as a sailor and fisherman?

7. Why did Santiago decide he could sleep a while on the second night?

8. On the second night, describe the old man's recollection that shows how strong he was years ago.

9. How does Santiago think about the night time conflict between himself and the great fish?

10. It is now the next day and Santiago had brought no provisions for a meal at sea. What does he have to eat?

(see the answer keys)

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