The Old Man and the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Old Man and the Sea Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How is he able to clean the dolphin?
(a) By using his right hand and holding it steady with his foot.
(b) By tying the line to the marlin on the thale.
(c) By using his left hand and right foot.
(d) By leaving its skin on and only removing its entrails.

2. Thinking about what the marlin can see deep in the water, how does Santiago recall his own vision years ago?
(a) He remembers that horses are blind at night.
(b) He recalls being able to see in total darkness.
(c) He remembers he once had night vision like a cat.
(d) He recalls not ever seeing well after the sun went down.

3. What does the old man think he killed the fish for besides food and to keep himself alive?
(a) Pride of being a fisherman.
(b) Throwing a big party for his friends.
(c) Revenge for all the fish he had lost.
(d) The lust for killing.

4. What disappointment does the old man feel because he has been out in his boat for days?
(a) He has not been able to go to the cock fights.
(b) He has not had a beer in two days.
(c) He does not know the baseball game scores.
(d) He cannot remember what the boy looks like.

5. Who does the boy fear will defeat the Yankees?
(a) The Baltimore Orioles.
(b) The Red Sox.
(c) The White Sox.
(d) The Cleveland Indians.

6. What brings the shark towards Santiago's boat?
(a) The sound of Santiago talking out loud.
(b) A dark cloud of blood from the marlin.
(c) The flying fish jumping along side the boat.
(d) A school of dolphins following the boat.

7. While Santiago pulls in the small dolphin he catches on the stern line, what changes does the marlin make?
(a) He picks up speed.
(b) He changes course and heads south.
(c) He starts going in circles.
(d) None. He continues to swim steadily.

8. In great pain from the cold, what does the old man hope for?
(a) That the wind will pick up.
(b) That he will not have to fight the sharks again.
(c) That a boat will come out and help him.
(d) That there is a cold beer waiting for him.

9. How does Santiago console himself after the first shark attack?
(a) That he was still alive.
(b) That it was all a dream.
(c) That the worst was over.
(d) That he had killed the shark.

10. How does Santiago justify killing the shark?
(a) Saving other lives.
(b) Self-defense.
(c) The reward money.
(d) Respect for the marlin.

11. When does Santiago plan to be out to sea?
(a) By noon.
(b) Right after daybreak.
(c) All night.
(d) Before it is light.

12. Which line below gives an indication of Santiago's respect for nature?
(a) Light brisa, he thought, better weather for me than for you, fish.
(b) He thought of how some men feared being out of sight of land in a small boat.
(c) I wish I could feed the fish, he thought. He is my brother.
(d) God help me to have the cramp go.

13. What indicates the old man's pride?
(a) His shame at having such a patched up sail.
(b) He always wears a new shirt.
(c) At first refusing to eat what the boy has brought him.
(d) Shame at not having enough yellow rice and fish to share with the boy.

14. Why does Santiago tell the fish not to jump?
(a) For fear that the hook will work itself loose.
(b) For fear that the line will have to be let out again.
(c) For fear that it will attract sharks.
(d) For fear that it will flood the boat.

15. What does the old man eat to get more strength after he washed his face and hands?
(a) A jellyfish.
(b) The bad smelling dolphin.
(c) The cleaned flying fish.
(d) Some jerky he forgot he had in his pocket.

Short Answer Questions

1. What marlin does Santiago think about as he considers this fish he has on his line?

2. What does Santiago imagine was the reason the fish finally jumped?

3. What happens to snap the old man out of his conversation with the bird?

4. What had become a habit for the boy during the old man's absence?

5. Speaking out loud, what does Santiago say to the big fish on his line?

(see the answer keys)

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