The Old Man and the Sea Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Old Man and the Sea Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Detailed Summary & Analysis.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Does Santiago think of the wind as his friend?
(a) No, because it is fickle.
(b) No, because it storms a lot in the Caribbean.
(c) Yes, because it is always there.
(d) Yes. Sometimes.

2. How do we know the old man sleeps for a very long time?
(a) The old man talks all day in his sleep.
(b) It is the next morning before he wakes up.
(c) The boy has to re-heat the coffee.
(d) The boy keeps thinking the old man has died.

3. After killing the Mako shark, what does Santiago eat?
(a) The liver of the dead dolphin.
(b) Nothing. All his food is gone.
(c) A piece of the marlin where the shark had bitten it.
(d) More of the dried flying fish.

4. How does Santiago console himself after the first shark attack?
(a) That he was still alive.
(b) That the worst was over.
(c) That it was all a dream.
(d) That he had killed the shark.

5. Why is the old man pleased that the marlin had jumped a dozen times?
(a) When the fish jumps the boat stands still.
(b) The fish had filled its air sacs and could not dive deep again.
(c) He was getting a good look at his fish.
(d) He thinks the fish is about to die.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the old man think he killed the fish for besides food and to keep himself alive?

2. Why does the old man scoop water from the sea after the marlin stops jumping?

3. What word does Santiago utter that Hemingway says there is no translation for?

4. What is Santiago missing that will not allow him to attract a flying fish to land in his skiff?

5. Why does Santiago always dream about lions?

(see the answer key)

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