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Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. How does the first bull become wounded in the fight?
2. What does Old Yeller do when Travis sic's him on the bulls?
3. Who comes to the cabin two weeks after the milking incident?
4. What is Little Arliss' reaction to Old Yeller?
5. What news does Searcy bring to Travis, Little Arliss, and Mama?
Short Essay Questions
1. Describe the agreement Little Arliss and Burn Sanderson arrange.
2. What does Travis discover when he returns home that makes him angry at the yeller dog again?
3. Summarize Travis' feelings for Bud Searcy's daughter, Lisbeth.
4. Describe the situation when Travis finds Spot and her new calf.
5. Explain why Travis' father is travelling to Abilene, leaving Travis in charge of the family.
6. Summarize the items that Little Arliss brings home in his pockets.
7. What does Tavis do when the bulls start fighting near the cabin?
8. Describe Little Arliss' reaction to Burn Sanderson's news.
9. Summarize the fight between the two bulls.
10. Explain the disturbing news that Lisbeth gives to Travis.
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
1) Analyze Travis' struggles with having to deal with such extreme responsibilities at such a young age.
2) Discuss the courage he displays in each of the violent situations he finds himself involved in.
3) How does Old Yeller help him find the courage he needs to protect his family? Explain.
Essay Topic 2
1) Analyze the events leading up to Old Yeller's death at the end of the novel.
2) Describe the symptoms and dangers of hydrophobia as seen in the novel.
3) Explain if Travis had any other alternatives other than shooting Old Yeller in the head.
4) Is Travis justified in his killing of Old Yeller? Explain.
Essay Topic 3
1) Compare and contrast the actions of the puppy at the end of the novel with the actions of Old Yeller in the beginning of the novel.
2) How do the actions of the puppy help Travis out of his depression over Old Yeller's death?
3) What emotions does Travis express when he sees Little Arliss and the puppy in the drinking water?
4) Discuss the conflicting emotions Travis reveals and explain his future plans for the puppy.
This section contains 724 words (approx. 3 pages at 300 words per page) |
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