Old Yeller Test | Final Test - Medium

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Old Yeller Test | Final Test - Medium

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What do Mama and Travis do when Jumper is unable to move the dead animal?
(a) They bury it on the spot it was killed.
(b) They burn it where it lays.
(c) They cover it with a pile of stones.
(d) They pour turpentine over it, hoping to kill the disease.

2. What does Papa tell Travis about what he had to do to Old Yeller?
(a) Papa says that Travis needs to toughen up.
(b) Papa says that Travis needs to forget about Old Yeller.
(c) Papa says that life is cruel and unfair sometimes.
(d) Papa says that Travis needs to stop being a cry baby.

3. How does Travis feel after he shoots his dog?
(a) He cries all the time.
(b) He gets on with his life.
(c) He can't seem to get over it.
(d) He sleeps for days.

4. What do Travis and Mama first think Spot ate?
(a) Rotten sweet potatoes.
(b) Loco weed.
(c) Pea vine.
(d) Prickly pears.

5. When do Mama, Travis, and Little Arliss finally make it home with Old Yeller?
(a) They get home the next morning.
(b) They get home just as it gets dark.
(c) They get home at midnight.
(d) They get home before it gets dark.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Travis glad that he missed a bunch of pigs back at bat cave country?

2. What animal comes into the yard staggering, grunting, and moaning?

3. What does Travis do while Mama, Lisbeth, and Old Yeller go to burn Spot?

4. What is the trouble that Travis thinks is too big for any of them to handle?

5. How does Travis shoot Old Yeller?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe how Travis plans to mark the remainder of his hogs.

2. Summarize how Travis and Mama get Old Yeller back to the cabin.

3. Describe the procedure Travis uses for marking the hogs.

4. Describe Travis' condition when he returns home after dealing with the Spot heifer.

5. What happens to Travis as he is marking the hogs?

6. Explain why Travis and Old Yeller head out to bat cave country.

7. Describe why Mama is afraid of their wild hogs.

8. Explain what Bud Searcy does to help Mama with her chores.

9. Describe the condition of the roan bull who wanders around the cabin.

10. Describe what Travis and Mama do with the bull.

(see the answer keys)

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