Old Yeller Test | Final Test - Medium

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Old Yeller Test | Final Test - Medium

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Travis keep a piece of ear from every marked pig hanging in the corn crib?
(a) He keeps the ears to make a necklace.
(b) He keeps the ears as trophies.
(c) He keeps the ears to show Papa when he comes home.
(d) He keeps the ears so he can get an accurate count of how many pigs there are.

2. What does Travis see that makes him think Old Yeller is dead?
(a) He sees a large puddle of blood around the spot where Old Yeller is hidden.
(b) He sees a sees a hog sniffing around the spot where Old Yeller is hidden.
(c) Buzzards circling and diving above the spot where Old Yeller is hidden
(d) Flies are hovering over the spot where Old Yeller is hidden.

3. What does Travis have to do to the hogs to be able to tell them apart from the neighbor's hogs?
(a) He has to catch them and mark them.
(b) He cuts their tails.
(c) He brands them.
(d) He tattoos their ears.

4. What does Mama use as a poultice for Travis' wound?
(a) Flour and vinegar.
(b) Prickly-pear roots.
(c) Bear fat.
(d) Turpentine and mud.

5. What does Travis do while Mama, Lisbeth, and Old Yeller go to burn Spot?
(a) He stays at home with Little Arliss.
(b) He cooks supper for everyone.
(c) He reads a book to Arliss.
(d) He teaches Arliss how to shoot.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Travis terrified when he sees Old Yeller fighting a mad loafer wolf?

2. Why is Mama so upset that Jumper is eating the corn?

3. What did Travis see on the face of a cliff at Salt Branch that impressed him?

4. What is the hog's favorite food?

5. Why isn't Travis excited about the puppy that Lisbeth gives to him?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe the condition of the roan bull who wanders around the cabin.

2. Summarize the actions of Travis when he realized that the roan bull has hydrophobia.

3. What does Mama tell Little Arliss to do while she is stitching Old Yeller's belly?

4. Describe the circumstances that help Travis come out of his depression over Old Yeller.

5. Explain the first thing Mama and Travis see as they get closer to the spot where Travis hid Old Yeller.

6. Why is Travis worried when wakes up from his nap?

7. Describe Travis' state of mind after he shoots Old Yeller.

8. Explain why Travis can't sleep the night Burn Sanderson leaves.

9. Why does Mama say that is was a good thing Old Yeller was there to save Mama and the others from the wolf, but not a good thing for Old Yeller?

10. Summarize what Mama must do while Travis is recuperating.

(see the answer keys)

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