Old Yeller Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Old Yeller Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Travis think the new, spotted heifer calf will make a good milking cow?
(a) It is a pretty, fat heifer.
(b) It is raw boned and ugly enough to be a good milk cow.
(c) It has the calmness of a milk cow.
(d) It is a fat and feminine calf.

2. What does Old Yeller do when Travis sic's him on the bulls?
(a) He runs away into the woods.
(b) He leaps onto the back of one of the bulls.
(c) He attacks the bulls.
(d) He circles the bulls, howling.

3. How does Little Arliss act when Travis takes him squirrel hunting?
(a) Arliss is noisy and pesky.
(b) Arliss is talented at tracking game.
(c) Arliss is as quiet as a mouse.
(d) Arliss turns out to be a good hunter.

4. What type of dogs do most of the settlers own?
(a) Small, quick terriers.
(b) Pure bred Blood Hounds.
(c) Pure bred Coon Hounds.
(d) Big, fierce cur dogs.

5. What does Travis notice about Old Yeller when he first sees the dog?
(a) The dog is fat.
(b) The dog is lame.
(c) The dog is injured.
(d) The dog is starving.

6. How does Travis get Spot to settle down so he can milk her?
(a) He puts her into a narrow pen.
(b) He has Old Yeller stand near her.
(c) He ties her head and feet.
(d) He blindfolds her.

7. What does Little Arliss do to Sanderson?
(a) He punches the man in the stomach.
(b) He kicks the man in the shin.
(c) He throws rocks at the man and hits his horse.
(d) He begs the man to leave Old Yeller.

8. How does Travis know that Little Arliss is in trouble?
(a) Arliss is crying which he never usually does.
(b) Arliss' screams are loud, shrill, and frantic.
(c) Arliss is screaming for Travis which is unusual.
(d) Arliss is screaming about the yeller dog.

9. When does Travis realize how badly he needs a dog?
(a) When Old Yeller follows him everywhere he goes.
(b) When Old Yeller licks him on the face.
(c) When his spotted heifer has her first calf.
(d) When he and Old Yeller are hunting together.

10. What keeps Travis and Old Yeller busy all night long?
(a) Chasing away coons, skunks, and coyotes from the garden.
(b) Preventing a cougar from attacking the sheep.
(c) Keeping a bear away from the cabin.
(d) Chasing a coyote away from the hen house.

11. How does Travis show his love for Old Yeller?
(a) He bathes him, pulls thorns from his paw, burns ticks off, and lets him sleep with him.
(b) He brushes the dog every day.
(c) He gives Old Yeller his share of the meat.
(d) He brings Old Yeller for long walks.

12. Who named Birdsong Creek?
(a) Little Arliss.
(b) The settlers.
(c) Papa.
(d) Mama.

13. How does Travis react to the pending bull fight?
(a) He can't watch because it sickens him.
(b) He is excited and wants to see it.
(c) He feels bad for the bulls.
(d) He blocks his ears from the sound of the bulls.

14. What does Sanderson tell Travis about the plague of hydrophobia?
(a) Sanderson tells Travis that he shot two dogs that had it.
(b) Sanderson tells Travis that he shot two coons that had it.
(c) Sanderson tells Travis that he shot two wolves, a fox, and one skunk that had it.
(d) Sanderson tells Travis that he shot two fox that had it.

15. What is Old Yeller's reaction to the bear attack once they are all back in the cabin?
(a) He is trembling in the corner.
(b) He is licking Little Arliss.
(c) He acts like the bear attack was great fun.
(d) He is crying with pain.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Travis do to try and drive the bulls away from the cabin?

2. What is Travis doing when he hears Little Arliss screaming?

3. What does Travis do to Jumper when he decides he doesn't want to plow anymore?

4. What does Arliss start catching after Old Yeller arrives?

5. Why does Travis run off when the trade is made between Arliss and Sanderson?

(see the answer keys)

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