Old Yeller Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Old Yeller Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Fred Gipson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 147 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Travis think about Old Yeller?
(a) He thinks the dog is smart but he doesn't want him.
(b) He thinks the dog is a purebred.
(c) He thinks the dog is vicious.
(d) He thinks the dog is stupid.

2. How does Travis get Spot to settle down so he can milk her?
(a) He has Old Yeller stand near her.
(b) He ties her head and feet.
(c) He puts her into a narrow pen.
(d) He blindfolds her.

3. Who does Lisbeth say she saw stealing from the settlement?
(a) Rosal.
(b) A coyote.
(c) A bobcat.
(d) Old Yeller.

4. Who comes to the cabin two weeks after the milking incident?
(a) Jed Simpson.
(b) Bud Searcy.
(c) A man comes to claim Old Yeller.
(d) Lisbeth.

5. What is the first suggestion Sanderson gives to Mama about keeping Old Yeller?
(a) He suggests that she take the boys inside while he grabs Old Yeller.
(b) He offers to give her a puppy instead of Old Yeller.
(c) He suggests that she pay him with the milk cow to keep Old Yeller.
(d) He suggests that the dog stays with them until Papa comes back.

6. What kind of man is Burn Sanderson?
(a) He is young, nice, and polite.
(b) He is old and haggard.
(c) He is young and rude.
(d) He is rough and crude.

7. What is Little Arliss' reaction when they get back to the cabin?
(a) He is shaking all over and clinging to Mama.
(b) He passes out from fear.
(c) He is angry that Travis pulled the cub away.
(d) He is angry at the bear.

8. What does Travis think about as he and Old Yeller lie out under the stars?
(a) He thinks about how lucky he is to have a brother like Little Arliss.
(b) He thinks about what a wonderful dog Old Yeller is.
(c) He wonders if his father can see the same stars in Kansas.
(d) He thinks about the day when he will have a ranch of his own.

9. What does Arliss do when Travis yells at him?
(a) Arliss throws a rock at Travis.
(b) Arliss sics the yeller dog on Travis.
(c) Arliss runs after Travis and kicks him.
(d) Arliss runs away and hides.

10. What does Travis discover as he reaches the cabin?
(a) Arliss and the yeller dog are sleeping in the hay.
(b) Arliss and the yeller dog are in the drinking water.
(c) Arliss and the yeller dog are sharing a piece of meat.
(d) Arliss and the yeller dog are playing ball.

11. What does Travis discover when he opens the dog run door where the meat is stored?
(a) Little Arliss is hanging from the meat.
(b) A wolf is eating the meat.
(c) The meat is rotten.
(d) The meat is gone.

12. Where do Mama, Little Arliss, and Travis sit to see the bull fight?
(a) On the cabin steps.
(b) On the split-rail fence.
(c) At the cabin window.
(d) On the grassy knoll.

13. Why is Travis concerned about being the man of the family?
(a) He just wants to be a boy.
(b) He is afraid to take on the responsibility.
(c) He is concerned because no one listens to what he says or thinks.
(d) He doesn't feel confident enough.

14. What is the first thing Travis does when he reaches the Salt Licks?
(a) He climbs a tree and watches for deer.
(b) He checks for deer prints in the mud.
(c) He sits with the wind blowing across his back.
(d) He determines which way the wind is blowing.

15. How does Travis show his love for Old Yeller?
(a) He brushes the dog every day.
(b) He bathes him, pulls thorns from his paw, burns ticks off, and lets him sleep with him.
(c) He brings Old Yeller for long walks.
(d) He gives Old Yeller his share of the meat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Travis' father leaving the family for months?

2. What is Old Yeller's reaction to the bear attack once they are all back in the cabin?

3. What sound do the bulls make that are looking for a fight outside the family's cabin?

4. What disease does Bud Searcy hope does not spread throughout the settlement before the men get back?

5. How does the first bull become wounded in the fight?

(see the answer keys)

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