Of Mice and Men Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Of Mice and Men Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Crooks doing at the beginning and end of Chapter 4?
(a) He is humming.
(b) He is rubbing liniment on his back.
(c) He is trying to escape.
(d) He is playing solitaire.

2. What does the first image Lennie saw in Chapter 6 think will happen if Lennie gets rabbits?
(a) He will forget to feed them.
(b) He will forget their names.
(c) He will forget to work.
(d) He will have too many.

3. What does George do after assuring Lennie of something in Chapter 6?
(a) Shoots Curley.
(b) Shoots Lennie.
(c) Shoots Candy.
(d) Shoots himself.

4. Who says in Chapter 4 that he really doesn't want to work for Candy?
(a) Slim.
(b) Whit.
(c) George.
(d) Crooks.

5. Who wants to kill Lennie?
(a) Curley.
(b) Candy.
(c) Carlson.
(d) The boss.

6. What does Lennie do at the beginning of Chapter 6?
(a) Eat a meal.
(b) Kneel down by the water to drink.
(c) Shoot himself.
(d) Finds a can of beans.

7. Candy says that they should do what with Lennie?
(a) Let him run away.
(b) Tell the boss.
(c) Shoot him.
(d) Get Curley to fight him.

8. In Chapter 5, who/what does Lennie blame for dying?
(a) George.
(b) The dog.
(c) Aunt Clara.
(d) A mouse.

9. Who watches George and the individual leading him away at the end of the book?
(a) Slim and Candy.
(b) Curley and Carlson.
(c) Slim and Curley.
(d) Curley and Candy.

10. What does George repeat to Lennie?
(a) A story that his father told him.
(b) The story about the place they are going to buy.
(c) His name.
(d) Something that Crooks told him.

11. Who is said to look 'simple and pretty now' in Chapter 5?
(a) Susy.
(b) Curley's wife.
(c) Clara.
(d) Lennie.

12. What does Crooks continue to criticize in Chapter 4?
(a) Prostitution.
(b) Racism.
(c) The ranch hands.
(d) George and Lennie's plan.

13. Where does Lennie decide to go after his confrontation with Curley's wife?
(a) To hide in the brush.
(b) To try to revive her.
(c) To tell Curley.
(d) To admit to the mistake.

14. Who are the men scared to talk to alone?
(a) Whit.
(b) Curley's wife.
(c) Slim.
(d) Carlson.

15. What causes Lennie to grab Curley's wife's hair?
(a) There's a loud noise.
(b) He loses his mind.
(c) She yells at him.
(d) George tells him to.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Crooks excited to have Lennie in his room?

2. What is Lennie sitting in the barn looking at when Chapter 5 begins?

3. What does Lennie tell Crooks in Chapter 4?

4. Why do the other men run into the clearing in Chapter 6?

5. What does Lennie ask George in Chapter 6?

(see the answer keys)

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