Of Mice and Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Of Mice and Men Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 103 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is George carrying for Lennie in Chapter 1?
(a) A rat.
(b) His work card.
(c) A puppy.
(d) A bottle of water.

2. What will Lennie do when he lives in a house with George?
(a) Take care of rabbits.
(b) He will raise sheep.
(c) Grow corn.
(d) Clean and cook.

3. In Chapter 2, why has Curley been worse in the last few weeks?
(a) He has gotten in trouble with the boss.
(b) He doesn't like the other workers.
(c) He got married.
(d) He hasn't been worse.

4. Who told Lennie not to pet the puppies too much?
(a) Candy.
(b) Curly.
(c) Whit.
(d) Slim.

5. What does George warn Lennie will make him sick?
(a) The weather.
(b) The water.
(c) The sun.
(d) The food.

6. Who does Curley think is having an affair with his wife?
(a) Slim.
(b) Carlson.
(c) Lennie.
(d) George.

7. Where were George and Lennie working before Chapter 1?
(a) Weed.
(b) Waco.
(c) Willits.
(d) Waterford.

8. Who has George known since childhood?
(a) Carlson.
(b) Slim.
(c) Lennie.
(d) Candy.

9. In Chapter 2, what does George say the driver made them do?
(a) Walk 10 miles.
(b) End up at the wrong place.
(c) Drive the bus themselves.
(d) Pay the driver.

10. Why did George and Lennie have to walk so far?
(a) They wanted to.
(b) The bus driver dropped them off at the wrong place.
(c) They got lost.
(d) They decided to take the scenic route.

11. When did Lennie start traveling with George?
(a) After Lennie asked to travel with him.
(b) After Aunt Clara told him to.
(c) After Lennie's Aunt Clara died.
(d) After George asked him to.

12. What does Lennie carry in his pocket?
(a) A picture of his mother.
(b) A dead mouse.
(c) A hammer.
(d) Money.

13. In Chapter 3, who repeats the comment that Lennie is not bright, but is a good worker?
(a) Candy.
(b) Carlson.
(c) Curley.
(d) Slim.

14. What were the men in Weed going to do to Lennie?
(a) Lynch him.
(b) Drown him.
(c) Forgive him.
(d) Arrest him.

15. Who invites George to the whorehouse?
(a) Whit.
(b) Carlson.
(c) Candy.
(d) Curley.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who assures Lennie he can build hutches for rabbits?

2. What does George tell Lennie he is glad of in Chapter 2?

3. Curley's wife wears what when she enters the bunkhouse in Chapter 2?

4. Who kills the dog that stinks?

5. What happened to Lennie when he did jumped into a river once?

(see the answer keys)

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