Of Love and Other Demons Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Of Love and Other Demons Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What document does the Bishop use as evidence of Sierva's demonic possession?

2. What forbidden activity is used to celebrate the arrival of the Viceroy?

3. What information does Dr. Abrenuncio impart to Cayetano?

4. How do Cayetano and Dr. Abrenuncio communicate?

5. In the Viceroy's painting, what is surrounding Sierva?

Short Essay Questions

1. What evidence does the Bishop present that argue for Sierva being possessed?

2. Describe the convent.

3. Why does Chapter 4 end with Cayetano whipping himself?

4. What are Dr. Abrenuncio's views on the Holy Office and exorcisms?

5. What happens around Sierva that the nuns take as signs that she is the center of evil?

6. How do Cayetano and Dr. Abrenuncio bond?

7. What is Father Cayetano's dream in chapter three?

8. What happens to Cayetano during the eclipse?

9. How does Sierva react when she is first introduced to the Abbess?

10. How does Cayetano gain Sierva's trust?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

"[The Bishop] spoke of Yucatan, where they had constructed sumptuous cathedrals to hide the pagan pyramids, not realizing that the natives came to Mass because their sanctuaries still lived beneath the silver altars. He spoke of the chaotic mixing of blood that had gone on since the conquest: Spanish blood with Indian blood, and both of these with blacks of every sort, even Mandingo Muslims, and he asked himself whether such miscegenation had a place in the Kingdom of God."

Using this quote from the book as a springboard, discuss the story as an overall allegory for racism. Keep in mind the treatment of the slaves, Sierva's attachment to the African culture and her own racial background, and the use of the character of Sagunta and the motives of the Bishop in performing an exorcism on Sierva.

Essay Topic 2

Citing specific examples from the text, write an essay discussing one of the following:

- Bernarda as a symbol of New Grenada's decay.

- The use of dogs as objects of fear as opposed to faithful companions.

- Sierva's Santeria jewelry and their representation of a non-biased person.

Essay Topic 3

Bernarda is Sierva's mother, who hates the child and prefers to spend her days in drug-induced decadence. Citing specific examples from the text and including a strong thesis statement, write an essay examining their relationship and character traits, including the following:

- Compare and contrast the personalities of these women.

- Discuss how characters feel about Bernarda and Sierva regarding their morals and apparent "wildness."

- Discuss, analyze, and compare their relationships to Judas Iscariote and Father Cayetano.

- Analyze how Bernarda and Sierva feel about each other and why.

(see the answer keys)

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