Of Love and Other Demons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Of Love and Other Demons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cayetano tell Sierva in chapter four to comfort her?
(a) He loves her.
(b) He trusts her.
(c) He will free her.
(d) He believes that she will be free.

2. At the very end of chapter three, what sort of complaint does Cayetano lodge on Sierva's behalf?
(a) Uncomfortable lodgings.
(b) Unsanitary washing conditions.
(c) Cruel punishments from the Abbess.
(d) Bad food.

3. How does Cayetano, in chapter three, force himself to focus on the preparations for the exorcism?
(a) Prayer.
(b) Calisthenics.
(c) Self-flagellation.
(d) Poetry.

4. How does Cayetano, in chapter three, win Sierva's trust?
(a) He brushes the girl's hair.
(b) He brings the girl fresh fruit.
(c) He helps her bathe.
(d) He buys the girl fresh pastries.

5. Who in the convent is separated completely from the outside world?
(a) The novices.
(b) The prisoners.
(c) The slaves.
(d) The nuns.

6. When she first meets the Abbess, how does Sierva behave?
(a) She faints.
(b) She is very respectful to the Abbess.
(c) She screams blasphemous phrases.
(d) She acts violently and refuses to speak.

7. How was food brought to the convent during the fighting between the Bishop and the Santa Clara convent in the earlier centuries?
(a) A secret tunnel.
(b) Bundles thrown from the trees.
(c) Courier pigeons.
(d) Bundles tied to arrows shot over the walls.

8. What realization does Bernarda make in chapter four?
(a) She has abused Sierva.
(b) She loves her daughter.
(c) She is dying soon.
(d) Sierva is gone.

9. What is the rank of the nuns who abandon Sierva when she first arrives at the convent?
(a) Prioresses.
(b) Postulates.
(c) Abesses.
(d) Novices.

10. How does Cayetano react to the Abbess's attempted hysteria when he first meets Sierva?
(a) He calms the nun down and makes her tea.
(b) He tells the nun to calm down and leave.
(c) He sympathizes with the Abbess and turns all of his attention to her.
(d) He encourages the nun.

11. What is Martina Laborde imprisoned for?
(a) Theft.
(b) Blasphemy.
(c) Murdering a priest who tried to assault her.
(d) Murdering other nuns.

12. While writing love poems to Sierva, what memory seizes Cayetano?
(a) He remembers a woman he loved who died tragically.
(b) He remembers being Sierva's age and being beaten by his father.
(c) He remembers going to jail at 17-years-old, which led to becoming a priest.
(d) He remembers the Rector throwing away a treasured book.

13. What does the Viceroy believe about Sierva?
(a) He believes that she is the illegitimate daughter of the Bishop.
(b) He believes that she is dying.
(c) He does not believe the girl is possessed.
(d) He believes she is indeed possessed.

14. How does Sierva act around the nuns when people start claiming she is center of all evil in the convent?
(a) She pretends to speak in demonic voices.
(b) She pretends that the demons are forcing her to hurt herself.
(c) She prays at all hours in hopes that everyone notices her piety.
(d) She protests her innocence.

15. Who, upon her arrival, takes a special interest in Sierva?
(a) The Abbess's sister.
(b) The Viceroy's mistress.
(c) The Marquis's third wife.
(d) The Vicereine.

Short Answer Questions

1. What skill does Martina teach Sierva?

2. What kind of jewelry is Sierva wearing when she arrives at the convent?

3. What does the Abbess list off as signs of Sierva's demonic powers to Cayetano?

4. What fictional character is associated with the book that Dr. Abrenuncio gives to Cayetano?

5. What request does the Abbess make to the Bishop in regards to Sierva?

(see the answer keys)

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