Of Love and Other Demons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Of Love and Other Demons Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 149 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What religion besides Christianity does Dominga follow?
(a) Wicca.
(b) Satanism.
(c) Olokun.
(d) Okolado.

2. Why are the slaves waiting in the harbor?
(a) They are to be freed.
(b) Quarantine.
(c) They are hiding.
(d) They are being sold.

3. How does Bernarda spend her time after Judas's death?
(a) Prostitution.
(b) Indulging in sex and drugs.
(c) Praying.
(d) Racing horses.

4. Who reminds Don Ygnacio about the animal biting Sierva?
(a) Dominga.
(b) Bernarda.
(c) Sagunta.
(d) The Abbess.

5. What does the Bishop consider Dr. Abrenuncio?
(a) A heretic.
(b) A misguided doctor.
(c) A smart man.
(d) A demon.

6. Why is the convent not allowed to cut Sierva's hair?
(a) Only nuns may cut their hair.
(b) It is a sign of disrespect to cut her hair.
(c) She screams until they promise to stop.
(d) It is a tribute to God until she is married.

7. How does Judas die?
(a) Beaten to death in a bar fight.
(b) Murdered for his drugs.
(c) Drug overdose.
(d) Drowns.

8. What is the station of the person raising Sierva?
(a) Farmer.
(b) Marquis.
(c) Merchant.
(d) Slave,

9. How does Ygnacio's wife die?
(a) She is thrown from a horse.
(b) She commits suicide.
(c) She is struck by lightning.
(d) She drowns.

10. How long ago did the twelve-year-old girl of the legend die?
(a) 300 years ago.
(b) 400 years ago.
(c) 500 years ago.
(d) 200 years ago.

11. At the end of chapter two, what does the narrator state will happen to Sierva?
(a) Sierva will die attempting to run away.
(b) Sierva will run away from New Grenada.
(c) Sierva will never leave the convent alive.
(d) Sierva will spend five years in the convent.

12. From what continent do Sierva's language skills come from?
(a) North America.
(b) Africa.
(c) Asia.
(d) Europe.

13. Where does the next scene of chapter one take place?
(a) New Grenada.
(b) England.
(c) America.
(d) Barcelona.

14. Why do Bernarda and Ygnacio marry?
(a) Ygnacio will lose his inheritance if he does not marry.
(b) Bernarda purposefully becomes pregnant.
(c) They do not want to grow old alone.
(d) Bernarda admits she loves him.

15. How much is the beautiful slave bought for?
(a) Her weight in silver.
(b) Her weight in copper.
(c) Her weight in gold.
(d) Her weight in iron.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are Bernarda Cabrera's two drugs of choice?

2. How does Bernarda bring back the Marquis's wealth?

3. Where does Bernarda go after Judas's death?

4. Why is she going to the market?

5. What have the drugs done to Bernarda Cabrera?

(see the answer keys)

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