Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy's Remarkable Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard Test | Final Test - Easy

Selamawi Asgedom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy's Remarkable Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard Test | Final Test - Easy

Selamawi Asgedom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy's Remarkable Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In what country was Mawi born?
(a) Djibouti.
(b) Sudan.
(c) Ethiopia.
(d) China.

2. What library did Mawi and his brother often go to in "Libee Migbar"?
(a) The Boston Public Library.
(b) The Harvard Library.
(c) The Wheaton Public Library.
(d) The Philadelphia Public Library.

3. What job did Mawi and Tewolde do first in order to make money in "Libee Migbar"?
(a) Drove cabs.
(b) Restructured damaged driveways.
(c) Sorted recycling.
(d) Landscaping.

4. When Haileab left his family, he did so because he knew that if they traveled with him, they would be ____________.
(a) Considered heroes.
(b) Acclimated.
(c) Intercepted.
(d) Robbed.

5. Where did Haileab work as a janitor in America in "The Unmaking of a Man"?
(a) A dentist's office.
(b) A sports stadium.
(c) An office building.
(d) The college.

6. What would Mawi's father do whenever the armies approached?
(a) Tell them to go away.
(b) Throw water at them.
(c) Go into hiding.
(d) Insult them.

7. Where did Mawi and Tewolde take their second job?
(a) A dog groomer.
(b) A cleaning service.
(c) A movie theatre.
(d) A restaurant.

8. In "Days of Mischief," what did the villagers of Sudan build for the annual celebration?
(a) A temple.
(b) A great pyramid.
(c) A sacrificial altar.
(d) A huge bonfire.

9. What profession did Haileab have in Africa?
(a) Cook.
(b) Food vendor.
(c) Banker.
(d) Healer.

10. What quickly became the favorite American holiday of Mawi and his siblings in "Days of Mischief"?
(a) Easter.
(b) Flag Day.
(c) The Fourth of July.
(d) Halloween.

11. Mawi understood that he wanted to take responsibility for his family, and his way to do that was through what means?
(a) Athletic success.
(b) Getting a job.
(c) Academic success.
(d) Marrying into wealth.

12. Mawi was a high honor roll student until he hit what level of school in "Eyeing the Mountaintop"?
(a) High school.
(b) Middle school.
(c) Elementary school.
(d) College.

13. What does the author say his high school teachers did in order to help him achieve success?
(a) Wrote letters to his parents.
(b) Tutored him after school.
(c) Bumped his grades up.
(d) Gave him money.

14. What is the name of the individual who believed in Mawi and appreciated his dedication to track?
(a) Charlene.
(b) Jake.
(c) Kroger.
(d) Tsege.

15. Haileab earned further education and became what as opposed to a full-fledged doctor?
(a) An X-Ray technician.
(b) A phlebotomy technician.
(c) An advanced dresser.
(d) An MRI technician.

Short Answer Questions

1. How old was Tewolde when he started his own business?

2. What location did Mawi's father leave once the armies began coming too often?

3. Mawi and his brother remembered a story their father had told them about a boy who died for ___________________.

4. Who offered Mawi a full-tuition scholarship?

5. Mawi describes admiring and wanting to be like whom in "Eyeing the Mountaintop"?

(see the answer keys)

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