Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy's Remarkable Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard Test | Final Test - Easy

Selamawi Asgedom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy's Remarkable Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard Test | Final Test - Easy

Selamawi Asgedom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy's Remarkable Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whom did Tewolde ask to help him transport a weight bench?
(a) Mawi.
(b) Haileab.
(c) Mehret.
(d) Kroger.

2. What location did Mawi's father leave once the armies began coming too often?
(a) Ethiopia.
(b) Djibouti.
(c) Eritrea.
(d) Sudan.

3. What would Mawi's father do whenever the armies approached?
(a) Insult them.
(b) Tell them to go away.
(c) Go into hiding.
(d) Throw water at them.

4. Which of the following sports was Mawi involved in during high school?
(a) Baseball.
(b) Football.
(c) Hockey.
(d) Basketball.

5. What profession did Haileab have in Africa?
(a) Banker.
(b) Food vendor.
(c) Cook.
(d) Healer.

6. In "Eyeing the Mountaintop," Mawi realized that his family was unique and that not everybody looked for _______________.
(a) Money.
(b) Love.
(c) Angels.
(d) Devils.

7. Tewolde had a knack for what, according to the author in "Libee Migbar"?
(a) Getting things for free.
(b) Playing skip-rope.
(c) Playing the guitar.
(d) Picking up girls.

8. What was one of several topics to avoid talking about with their parents, according to the author in "Coffee Tales"?
(a) Money.
(b) Africa.
(c) Sex.
(d) Politics.

9. After Tewolde's death, Mawi was looking through his room and found a picture of a boy that his brother had ______________.
(a) Gotten a wife for.
(b) Sent to China.
(c) Sent candy to.
(d) Sponsored.

10. Mawi's brother was killed during what holiday break?
(a) Thanksgiving.
(b) Easter.
(c) Summer break.
(d) Christmas.

11. For how long was Mawi separated from his father while in Africa during his childhood?
(a) 2 days.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 2 weeks.
(d) 2 months.

12. In what country was Mawi born?
(a) Djibouti.
(b) Ethiopia.
(c) Sudan.
(d) China.

13. What would Haileab read at the events where hundreds of refugees would gather together in reception hall?
(a) The newspaper.
(b) Soccer scores.
(c) Poetry.
(d) The Bible.

14. What forced Haileab into unemployment in "The Unmaking of a Man"?
(a) Vision loss.
(b) He got fired.
(c) A knee injury.
(d) Arthritis.

15. Where did Mawi and his brother take a parking meter after knocking it down?
(a) To a cave.
(b) To a swamp.
(c) To a church.
(d) To a bridge.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Mawi become during his senior year?

2. Where did Mawi's father work while they were refugees awaiting immigration to America?

3. What quickly became the favorite American holiday of Mawi and his siblings in "Days of Mischief"?

4. Haileab decided to help the neighbors by cleaning up their leaves and getting garbage out of __________________.

5. Mawi and his brother remembered a story their father had told them about a boy who died for ___________________.

(see the answer keys)

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