Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy's Remarkable Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Selamawi Asgedom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Of Beetles and Angels: A Boy's Remarkable Journey from a Refugee Camp to Harvard Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Selamawi Asgedom
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 135 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What was the name of Mawi's half-sister who joined his family in immigrating to America?
(a) Hntsa-Eyesus.
(b) Mulu.
(c) Tsege.
(d) Mehret.

2. With what song would bullies serenade Mehret?
(a) "Give Peace a Chance."
(b) "We Are the World."
(c) "I Love You."
(d) "Bo Diddly."

3. How old was Mawi when his mother took him and his siblings to become refugees in "Memories"?
(a) 3.
(b) 1.
(c) 9.
(d) 6.

4. What is the name of the church that agreed to sponsor Mawi's family in "A New Life"?
(a) The Christian Science Ministry.
(b) The First Methodist Church of Harlem.
(c) The Mt. Zion Baptist Church.
(d) The Bethel Presbyterian Church.

5. During what years did Mawi's family remain living in the refugee camp in "The Camp"?
(a) 1985-1987.
(b) 1980-1983.
(c) 1983-1985.
(d) 1978-1984.

6. What name refers to a peninsula in East Africa that juts hundreds of kilometers into the Arabian Sea and lies along the southern side of the Gulf of Aden?
(a) The Horn of Africa.
(b) The Tongue of Africa.
(c) The Foot of Africa.
(d) The Hand of Africa.

7. To make ends meet, Mawi's family found ____________ in "A New Life."
(a) A smaller apartment.
(b) An energy efficient car.
(c) A job for Mawi.
(d) A renter for the upstairs.

8. Where was Mawi's little brother conceived?
(a) Egypt.
(b) Sudan.
(c) Eritrea.
(d) China.

9. Eritrea and Ethiopia had fought a civil war until what year?
(a) 1994.
(b) 1985.
(c) 1991.
(d) 1988.

10. Along with their small gardens and healthcare from the Swedish Ministry, on what did Mawi's family survive in "The Camp"?
(a) Migratory birds.
(b) United Nations rations.
(c) Trapped rats.
(d) Crickets.

11. How many stories was the house that Mawi's family moved into in "A New Life"?
(a) 2.
(b) 1.
(c) 4.
(d) 3.

12. In addition to disease and violence, Mawi's family also had to worry about _________ in "The Camp."
(a) Large predatory animals.
(b) The Inited Nations.
(c) The Egytian military.
(d) Sudanese rebel groups.

13. In the Author's Note, he states that since he came to the United States, he became known by what name?
(a) Haileab Asgedom.
(b) Sela Asgedom.
(c) Lama Asgedom.
(d) Mawi Asgedom.

14. What does the author describe his father having a fear of and the destructive power behind them in "A New Life"?
(a) Bullets.
(b) Headlights.
(c) Glasses.
(d) Trains.

15. When Mawi's brother was about to be attacked by a bully with a switchblade in "Playground Warfare," a van appeared carrying how many large black men?
(a) 4.
(b) 6.
(c) 3.
(d) 14.

Short Answer Questions

1. When the principal sent home a note saying that the boys might be expelled, what did Mawi's father tell them to do?

2. In the Author's Note, he states that his true name was what?

3. What disease had Mawi's father contracted in "A New Life"?

4. The author describes a visit from two people from their country who brought the family ______________.

5. What did Mawi's family miss the most about their homeland in "A New Life"?

(see the answer keys)

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